Thursday, November 29, 2007
hello... :]
okay sorry for not updating earlier..
oh yea..yesterday allisa hit the ball to my NOSE!my nose is much flatter now.But dun worry i still have my nose here.kk wadever.CRAP.ouh yea,then we went to mac the one in teck whye...and did homework but first we crapped a usual!then i went to the toilet with allisa and when i came back some malay "act punk' dudes...were like talking to us...but we as LADIES ignored...oh yea..zu made a guiness
Today nothing much happened...but i noe allisa very pekchek with me ..sry!
oh yea,hui yan'sface(some part of it) bled cas someone spiked and hit her face...=*
kk just went pasar malam with zu...and now in the library..
oh yea...i am going to change my tagboard cas it has been encountering some problems..(wa seh perfect english!)
Monday, November 26, 2007 so happy..!cas at last jun hao cared about the reserved team...last time he usually spent most of the time training the main team but then just now he was training both sides equally..ARGHH!!!!so cool..
yea wadever...zhi yee want to go home i have been spending like 2 hours here already...well actually 3 hrs..wadever...
lala.c(:oh yea..i got a new watch..TADAA!!!{CHIO NIA^^}

Sunday, November 25, 2007
yo!sup?!okay i seriously have nothing to talk bout other than friday....
friday was full day training...did physical training aft lunch shiok!...
medicine balls,dumbells and jumping,but nothing much...c(:
then went to cck library with zu(retard) and zhiyee...then zu went so hyper went she knew tt WINX CLUB was at lot 1.but then when she saw tt the chartacters were like so big and fake...seh went to the library...went friendster hopping with zu and fun laugh at others photo's.went blog hopping....then went to some freaks blog and saw some pic...(camwhore)haha!crazy then zhi yee was like cursing in the library then librarian reprimanded her...wakakakaka!!!kk wadever then went to pasar accompany zy buy shark fin...
maybe thats abt it...okay today went to my religious sch but unfortunately my teacher wasnt there so i coulnt retrieve my report bk sis got 2nd in class and was so hyper..mum and dad went for some wedding bedok so had to eat maggie for lunch!yohoo..!
oh ya on sat dad went for bowling tournament and got some trophy..champion?!wadever lar...but he bought back some chocolates...yeeeha! c(:
i seriously have nth to ttt im reading my sist's pathetic storybook...
oh yea im seachhing for blogskins and i have been searching and searching for like 3 days but failed..
Monday, November 19, 2007
hi,syaz here!
today was pathetic.very pathetic.let me tell u briefly wad happened,cas im in no mood to blog..okay then why am i blogging?
Earpiece broke.She kicked and stepped on it.On purpose.Darn.Irritated.Cursed under my breath.Walked to MRT.Cheong up the train.Managed to get in.Met Zu at mcd.She was 1 train late.Wanted to buy apple pie but had to wait for 7 min.Didnt buy.Went for training.Played as the reserve team setter.Didnt play well.People scolding each other.Vlee asked us to 'kang' over the net 50 times.No spinning balls.Damn.Went to hougang sports hall.Took the wrong train.Instead of going AMK we went to Jurong East.Went to AMK.Late for match.Took bus.Bus driver driving damn slow.5 mins till match starts.If we dont get there by 5 min,walk-over.Ran all the way to the sports hall.Managed to reach there,but late.Jun Hao was mad.Cheered for the main 6.They were not happy.Kept quiet.Lost.Wadever.Got scolded by coach.Sian.Charris lost her wallet.Searched.Couldnt find.She was sad.Went to AMK hub.Ate roti prata.Went home.Anti-social in the train.Emo.
Found this pic interesting....some photography thing

PS. Sometimes i prefer you insulting me straight into my face than to be sarcastic!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
okay just now had to go all the way down to mcd to meet my cousin cas she wanna give some sian.when i went there,there was this crazy car which almost knocked me down..CRAZY!wadever,then had to wait like 15 mins at mcd cas my cousin was late.sian...then waled back home and my path was blocked by this couple which were showing their affections to one another..(get wad i mean?)Say yes.
omg my back is aching!cas i went to arrange the links in alphabetical order...diao!
then,i went blog hopping...went to demas blog and i was like laughing my ass out in the library..
the pic so funny..akay ppl must be like straing at me..okay i only have 7 hours and 10 mins left in my digital library(is it wat it is called?) account,wadever!
okay wanna go blog hopping again...haiz i have been here for like 45 min..and my butt is aching!=*
Saturday, November 17, 2007
yea one thing..

hello!!!im back okay in the library again...just came bck frm my cousin's butt-day party..very sian.had my little irritating cousin punching me just now.first before we went for the butt-day party we went to hang ten and bought for my butt-dae cousin a gift..(or is it a present)..wadever,im not sure wads happening to my english..its like man very (okay u i dunno wad to say..very crappy..wadever!talk bout yesterday..=)
Yesterday went back to pri skool..with fathin then met my malay teacher..then she asked me wads my cca and i said volleyball then she said hows the training i said very tiring but fun..haha!then she say how i can cope with my studies then she say my results not bad..wth?!wadever.then met mrs frauder..and talk then eat cake..then after eating miss rahayu asked whose thongs were those..(the thongs u use to pick up food)then i was like THONGS?haha.then i laugh.then fathin hesitated for like 5seconds then she laugh.then ididnt realize tt my sista's malay teacher was sitting in front of me eating his third round of cake..then he laugh.i was like so paiseh lar..kk wadever!dunno wads happening but my english is getting worse and is like 8.28pm and the liBRAry closes at 9pm...and this pathetic girl sitting in front od the monitor is like typing CRAP!okay wadever..end of crappy post...!
ps.i wanted to change the blogskin cas the stich very TOOT!but liv\brary closing in lyk 30min time..haiz~
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
hi..bck...just now was like so darn cool..
in da morning i went for the maths thing then, DR DAVIS gave us mac pancakes,hashbrowns..and a BEE the training had high budget..ok wadever so then went to cck library and then used the computer..kk wadever..allisa said o6'blink went to chalet for 3 days!so she said zu had to travel frm pasir ris all te way to cck for training.haha!k lah wadever no mood to blog now..
i wanna go training tmr..tata!
Shut up.I miss Zuhairah and Allisa.=)
Monday, November 12, 2007 back..wakakak...okay i have been mugging for the exams..and again my comp broke down!!! the other day i used my dad's laptop to so some 'homework'..hehe..and as usual it is ultra slow!=3
but the guess wad i managed to bridge my house internet connection to my dad's company connection and to my local area connection..and guess wad...the speed was 100mb/kbps..wadever...okay i dun have much to say but i change the blogskin again as the previous one was the same as zhi yee (if u realise)..okay im in the library now..and nab is desperately waiting to use the comp..haha,sorry nab!=*
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
oh ya i forgot....vlee said mama will be selling can drinks to raise funds for the VB christmas party and farewell party for sec 4's..!
so after everyone drank their drink..they put the empty can aside..then this is wad i did with them...

hey ppl!syaz is back..okay sorry for not updating my post well cas my comp is spoilt again.think its too old..okay some intresting things happened some time ago...okay the previous week..i went to mac before training for breakfast..decided to buy milo..okay so ordered..and bla..bla..then while i was waiting for my drink,i took the straw then i pressed the thing(okay...the thing where u press then the straw will come out..)unfortunately when i pressed the 'thing'the straw flew nd went straight to this guy's face the it poked him..(okay so i ink i pressed on it to hard..)i was like so paiseh!!!then of course i said sorry even the mac manager was laughing..haiz!when i got my drink i rn out of the mac..wad a OMG day..!
last sat we went for the class bbq..and only less than 10 ppl turned boring but it was okay..
mainly we went cycling cas the food came 2 hours late and we didnt have enough time to cook the food..argh!so khalid was like so despo trying to learn how to ride the bike..haha..bu congrats he managed to master it in one day incredible..okay i forgot some of the things we did..cas i have short term memory..=.=
me,atiqah,aminah asyur and imran went home together...but then imran and minh to the train to jurong east..okay..wadever..
then sth kranji,i saw amirul amran(ex-schoolmate)i was like OMG!
wadever~reached home like about 10pm and then i realised tt my cousins were at my house for hari raya...but i rushed to my room and started bangin' to songs..
okay yesterday i saw amirul amran again...i was OMG...and then i OMG again and then i OMG-ed too much tt i couldnt OMG anymore..end of story..*