[its 5.58am now. Sorry for no posting yesterday cas i was tired and i went to sleep like around 9.30?.sibei shiok. and yea...word for the day,SIBEI.]
lets start off tis post with wad happened at around 6.37am yesterday..okay i waited for zu at cck mrt interchange for a damn 30 MIN!then when she came she was like..why you wait for me?
Nvm about that.Then in class some were chiong-ing their art homework at the last minute.usual ppl.okay,played ball during recess...and bla,then bla..then training.
okay im sorry for not blogging the past few days..or is it weeks?seriously busy with school and homework...
maths was funny mr tay said he went to jay chou's concert and danced with jay chou..
malay class talked abt jay chou and the some connect the dots thingy...but apparently some 06BLINKERS were horny...then start to talk abt cows..
okay so today...all the lessons were okay except for art cas we have to re-draw the tree again.this will be the third time...i spent so long on tt dumb tree lar..like 1hr+.chiong till 1.30am
okay so we had YMP..which was pathetic.the speaker was shouting at us to keep quiet but still every one's minding their own business and giggling and CRAPPING.my team is in charge of finance!!!everyone was like chanting FINANCE...! okay u dun get it do you?
training started late than usual and before tt we saw ms kang sweeping(drying apparently) the netball court.pity her.
then started training did hao-peng-yous(dunno how to spell)...sian diao man!did like 100++
wth?okay so had to do physical training...and we ran around the field for like 5 rounds..wakaka!!
the sprint some short distance..
then tried touching the basketball net! apparently SOME ppl can..
the c'boys then did it too..but they either touched the rim of the net or the board...wahseh..then some ppl were buay-bah-ing..then after they touched it the seniors were like shuai-ge!ew!
okay..then we went home~
Is this what it feels like to give up
Feeling defeated, can't do anything to help
Nothing works, nothing's right
It's always going to be wrong
All by myself, no one's helping
I’m a failure that's all I’ll ever be
That's what I’m told, now I know it's true
I can't drain out everything negative said,
The comments people make are more than true,
I find myself always giving in,
Giving into what people tell me,
It consumes me...Consumes me to the point i want to die,
Makes me realize my life is a big waste of time,
I won't be anything more than a failure in my eyes,
I feel i can't do anything right,
Why do i even try?
Does anyone even notice when im upset?
Or do they look past it and think i will be fine,
What if i wasn't alright though?,
Ignoring my sadness is like slitting my throat,
No point to go on breathing if my true feelings can't be felt

okay i have some pictures...
okay...turn ur head 90 degrees anti-clockwise..and u see a burger..this is wad i ate but i couldnt finish it up.dad helped me finish it :)
this is wad i had for desert..which is some chocolate cake and vanilla ice-cream..YUMMY!
okay had a really great time there..and guess wad the burger i ate cost $8.90 and the desert cost $4.90..told my mum not to got there cas the food cost abomb..but she still insisted...well its a once in a lifetime,i GUESS.. :] toodles!~
okay havent been online since school reopen-ED cas i was extremely busy,doing homework and trainings..seriously and dad allowed me to use the comp for only one hour and this will like the last 15 minutes..
okay today sec 1'08 will be having campfire..i seriously missed it.with all the cheers and what not.haha...and yea during physics lesson i kept on yawning cas she was talking for so looonng!okay then we had training played ball with the usual ppl...all of a sudden became emo.haha!?
and yea tmr i have friendly with PHS.will be wearing my orange socks....wakkaka..?
okay sorry i think this post is damn boring..
syazana :]