Like HELLO women!
Like you all know i went to Sentosa,you know the beach with sand and seas where u can find shells..and what not.Okay if not you can go to the singapore tourism board website and search for Sentosa.Enough of all these..
Okay i shall post some pics..
MAinly all i did was:
1) Went to the beach and cam whored with my retarded cousin and of course my sister..
2) Went to see pink dolphins which were shipped to Singapore.and like ZU and ALLISA said,i pounced on them and too bad they died
3) Went to the underwater world thingy..first time in my whole 13 years on
4) I practically touched a REAL sting ray and it said it liked me...and even purposed to me.
5) I touched a REAL starfish.The last time I touched it/see it is when i was like K2.

that reads S-Y-A-Z

I see the sky and some statue there.

OMG.Whats that creature?

DAMN!she's bangin'

There just seems to be so many choices to make,
I worry so much about which one to take,
What if the choice I make isn't right?
Please let the correct choices be in sight....
All these decisions weighing so hard on my mind,
Some answers look simple, others are harder to find,
What to do in all these lies all in my hands,
Please be with me, wherever I choose to stand....
Do I just be truthful, or just let her continue her false believing?
Which one will it be?Let time decide.
Guess what?Its 9.23pm and i havent eaten dinner.My family is out.
Anyone can spare me some food?
Tried the Paul Goldin test...thingy.
At this particular time you are perhaps setting yourself too high a target and so you are living in the land of 'make believe'. It would also seem that you have been bitterly disappointed in the past and you are at a stage where you feel that you can trust nobody. You would like to forget it all and turn your back on the past and start anew.
Rejection is what you fear the most and it is this fear that makes you unapproachable. You are looking for acknowledgement and above all looking for people who can appreciate you for who and what you are.
It is amazing that you yourself believe that old 'adage' that you are a misunderstood person - and you feel that because of this you are being left out in the cold. It is because of this lack of believed understanding that you feel the need to conform to society in general - but this situation leaves you 'cold' knowing that you are not appreciated for your true self. Any relationship that you are developing at this time does not seem to involve any true emotional commitment, you seem to be just playing along.
All of the stress and strains resulting from disappointment have led to agitation and anxiety. You have been going out of your way to make a good impression, but you have reservations as to the likelihood of succeeding. You feel that you have a right to accomplish all that you set your mind on but you have become helpless and distressed when circumstances have gone against you. The idea of failure is most upsetting and this can even mean utter dejection. You see yourself as a scapegoat and you feel everyone in your sphere of influence has tried to take undue advantage of you. You are trying to convince yourself that your failure to achieve standing and recognition is not of your making but indeed of those around you.
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety and you are distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationships. You feel you are not appreciated by those who matter to you. You are attempting to escape into a world on which you can relax and feel at ease.
I know you are very interested in reading this post..that u will just click the nig red 'x' on the top right hand corner.Well thanks for coming anyway.Like hello hotties.
As you can see,i haven't been updating my blog for like some bombarded decades.
Well you might ask why.Well ya'all know im like so busy with the latest Fashion Show in Paris and yea I have to like practise my walks on runways and all those stuffs.And guess what?Im officially a Louis Vuitton model.So yea life as a model and former Miss India is like that.
Well guess what so many things happened in like these few decades.
Lets list them:
1) I got a SILVER for Napha test.(like wohoo!)
2) - Shanice gets wierder.
- Nabilah gets emo-er.
- Atiqah gets to make us embarrassed cas of the news competition.
- Khalid gets aroused easily.
- Allisa gets pretty HOT.
- Zu gets more retarded.
3) I downloaded the whole Jordin Sparks album and Step up 2(The Streets) soundtrack.
4) I just finished all the e-learning stuffs.
5) I am still thinking on what happened a few decades ago.
6) Oh yea,Physics remedial was cancelled.
7) I am still thinking.
8) We played 'King Of The Courts' for training yesterday.It was bloody fun.
9) I think that's all.
10) O-M-Geeeh!I am going to Sentosa tomorrow.And yea i wanna get sunburned.
WOW.Thats like a whole ten things tt happened lately.Aint it great?
Thank-youh for reading this damn post(:
SOJOURN \SOH-juhrn; so-JURN\, intransitive verb:
- To stay as a temporary resident; to dwell for a time.
Term 2 will be starting in like a few more hours.Like wth?
Buck up people.Streaming this year.We cant afford to waste anymore time.DUH.
Okay.Thats all.
See ya'll peeps (:
Okay like what the hell.I am excused from CCA for like one week.dammit.Forget it.
I went to VivoCity with my family after i went to the doctor.Taking advantage of the
Well as usual it was raining heavily and it was friggin' cold in the damn car.I wonder how my dad can see the lanes when the rain is so heavy that u cant see a thing outside. Okay, never mind.I saw the ferris wheel and it was nice.CRAP!
-i dont know how to continue this post when i have only 10minutes left to be on the computer-
Bought some clothes at vivo, at least something right?there's nothing left for me to post about except for the fact that my mum bought for me and my sister a ball each.Basketball for her and soccer ball for me at $7.95,buy 1 get 1 free.
As soon as we reached home it was freezing cold and my sis wore some green hoodie with her Popeye nightdress and my dad's long wth?Okay i admit that all these are my ideas.I mean u cant just follow trends , you have to start one too right? Say yes.Shall post some pics:
I had religious class today and it was so boring.The teacher didn't came.Not one but both.Yes,both.
Everyone were like exchanging songs in their phones.The guys were playing with their PSPs and what not.
Term 1 is over and we have like three more damn terms to go.And like we will have our Mid-Year exams two week after school reopens.three weeks from now. Ok, so i figured what the hell, life goes on.Streaming this year.
My friends from other normal secondary schools have been attending camps since the year.But not in our school.Guess that what makes it government-aided.
I miss the crappy people in class since they went away to China for some C.I.P trip.If only i was there i wont be at home with my parents and sister,of course nagging.
Ever since this year,everything seems so different.And i have like more responsibilities for things.Its like as if a sack of grain is being poured on me and like i have to do everything and people just criticize on everything i do i mean thats like just so not right,right?
Never mind everything is over.Everything has to go on.
Because sometimes there is no easy way out.
You just have to grin and bear it.
Sometimes the only escape route is to go straight through the flames, Just brace yourself and bite your lip.
Sometimes you have to sever the ties clean off.
Because in every relationship there comes a point when the damage is too much
And no matter how good it once was, the memories can't sustain you.
You have to save yourself, knowing all the while it will hurt like hell
Because you can't keep giving someone everything if you get nothing in return.
oh crap.
The entire school had CIP today and it was wow! First things first,the principal looked H*T!
Back to serious business people.Okay,there was a heavy downpour early in the morning and when me and another bugger reached school canteen we-actually its just me, decided to sit at the bench nearest to the basketball court, and it was freezing cold,but we beared with it.Felt like running in the rain.Impossible.
CIP started and there was a whole stream of BPians walking along the pavement outside school, with their colourful umbrellas-under my umbrella,ella,ella and it was embarrassing that mine was the only one with polka dots,mum bought it for me,blame her.I was singing the song umbrella on the way there,too bad you missed it.
My group had to collect old newspapers and old clothes from Blk 239,and the best thing is,its only four storeys.We practically finished the whole block in like 10 mins,but we helped the other groups,how nice.The class was seriously bonded.And we saw some gentlements among the guys in class-as quoted by Miss Kang.Oh ya,btw thanks Miss Kang for sponsoring the raffia strings.woots!We got a whole lot of things and some interesting ones were,a television set and some BPGHS school uniform and a Scout's uniform,but too bad Nathaniel didn't want to take it.
after the CIP,while waiting for the truck to arrive,we went to buy light snacks.Walked back to school and CIP ended.I got my CIP hours.
Went home with atiqah and in the evening i went to Yishun to collect my specs.My specs doesnt really look different anyway.Imagine if I'll be wearing some big,ROUND,orange glasses.How hot is that?
Dad says he will be getting some wireless broadband soon as in tomorrow.And then i can bring my desktop anyway and get internet access instantly but wait,i will need power switches right?
See ya'all(: