Friday, March 14, 2008
Okay like what the hell.I am excused from CCA for like one week.dammit.Forget it.
I went to VivoCity with my family after i went to the doctor.Taking advantage of the
Well as usual it was raining heavily and it was friggin' cold in the damn car.I wonder how my dad can see the lanes when the rain is so heavy that u cant see a thing outside. Okay, never mind.I saw the ferris wheel and it was nice.CRAP!
-i dont know how to continue this post when i have only 10minutes left to be on the computer-Bought some clothes at vivo, at least something right?there's nothing left for me to post about except for the fact that my mum bought for me and my sister a ball each.Basketball for her and soccer ball for me at $7.95,buy 1 get 1 free.
As soon as we reached home it was freezing cold and my sis wore some green hoodie with her Popeye nightdress and my dad's long wth?Okay i admit that all these are my ideas.I mean u cant just follow trends , you have to start one too right? Say yes.Shall post some pics:


Friday, March 14, 2008
Okay like what the hell.I am excused from CCA for like one week.dammit.Forget it.
I went to VivoCity with my family after i went to the doctor.Taking advantage of the
Well as usual it was raining heavily and it was friggin' cold in the damn car.I wonder how my dad can see the lanes when the rain is so heavy that u cant see a thing outside. Okay, never mind.I saw the ferris wheel and it was nice.CRAP!
-i dont know how to continue this post when i have only 10minutes left to be on the computer-Bought some clothes at vivo, at least something right?there's nothing left for me to post about except for the fact that my mum bought for me and my sister a ball each.Basketball for her and soccer ball for me at $7.95,buy 1 get 1 free.
As soon as we reached home it was freezing cold and my sis wore some green hoodie with her Popeye nightdress and my dad's long wth?Okay i admit that all these are my ideas.I mean u cant just follow trends , you have to start one too right? Say yes.Shall post some pics: