Friday, April 18, 2008
The day started off with me bringing my heavy Physics file to school when there is actually no physics.STUPID!I don't know why i was thinking that there was physics today.Not that i miss her teaching or
Okay so we had CME instead.Then Maths after maths was Recess.Me,lippy and atiqah 'chiongED' to the canteen to buy a bowl of hot mee bandung.Shanice is jealous.
Did DNT project then im off(home)!
It felt very wierd since im going home at like 1.00pm.I usually see moons and stars when i go home after training but this...the sun was like woo.Okay lets stop the crap.Actually, i planned to eat lunch with my sis today but she had prefects investiture(is the spelling correct?) thingy.Went home ate MAGGI and watched Step up 2: The streets.The dance moves were darn cool.
Thats about it i guess.I think i see Mid-Year charging me,I'd better run!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Found this pic on the internet..damn nice
this artist had like degrees in fine arts..and bla bla.
if only my art was as good.

Crapped about braiding armpit hair during English and Maths class.Pure fun.
Okay i gtg finish my Chung Cheng High School MYE paper.
Seeyuh 'all!
BPMB all the way(;
13 April 2008 [BPMB(: SYF]
Like practically the whole school went for the Military Band SYF.The atmosphere was whole school came down the National Stadium in their respective house tees.So yea,it was really colourful..we had the bananas,apples,yam paos,cucumber and of course the blue. EGGPLANT? lol.
I think BPMB(: had the most number of supporters.
this pic was taken during the break before the results were announced.Me, atiqah and nabilah practically walked around the whole stadium,admiring it for the last time since it is gonna be demolished,like soon.real soon.For me it will be the first and the last time cas its my first time there.okay wadever.
Potential photographer?*BLUSH
oh yea we got a silver,i mean white gold.A lot of band members cried when they were playing their music for the school while their instructor walked around and wiped there tears and consoled them.It touching and sad.I mean when you see all the band members work really hard and when u get shocked when the drum are hit really loudly while u are training and it makes you jerk and end up laughing.The times where my classmates go to school early and go for their sectionals...all those time were over,in a blink of an eye.
And i didnt know that one word, could make so many people shed their tears.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Sports Carnival(:
Sports Carnival at CCAB was freaking far that i had to set off at 0530.C'mmon ,allisa was probably dreaming of me at that time.But why did she came earlier than me?okay wadever.Met zu and atiqah at CCk interchange and as soon as i went down the stairs..i saw like so many colourful shirts-BPians. I was as if i was some superstar(wait,i am MISS INDIA) and my fans were like waiting for my goddamn ate donuts for on the bus, luckily we were like quite early if not we had had to wait for like 5 buses.*
In the bus it was squeezy like hell. and guess whud?the three hotties sat in the two seats together,damned cramped.i was squeezed by them cas i was actually the slimmest among them.haha then my wallet dropped.difficult to pick up.zu used her leg and i had to like 'drown my self in zu's legs'.we actually looked quite
Guess what there was only one miserable gate there waiting for us..Saw allisa and halidah(: then sat with the bananas.Okay then played soccer.i scored one goal at that time the goalkeeper was actually out of the very funneh.
Penalty.My ball hit the GODDAMN pole (i dun literally mean my ball.)....ARGH!!!so the opposition won.there is always a win and a loose in every cool with it.
okay so continued playing with my ping pong game..a new invention.the box of mineral water was emptied by sharleen for us to throw our rubbish.At that time i was bored so i tore the box flaps.and i tore a little piece and started to hit it with another piece of bigger cardboard so that i get into the box (nvm if u dun understand).alvina,shanice and hui fang thought it was stupid..until they tried,they got addicted.
BPMB performed.i couldn't see the formation cas i was sitting on the floor.shoot,i saw shanice,she looked blur,as usual.
after the whole event i roamed around the stadium to look for zu..there were so many yam paos her and took 171 to go to yishun.J was was until the last few stops that i realised that the man sitting in front of me was actually out of his mind..he was laughing throughout the journey and he didn't have any blue tooth device connected so yea.zu was sleeping like a dog.i slept for a while but ended up falling on zu's shoulders so i guess i should just stay awake.Some things happened in the yea.
ate mac and he came.random.went to look around northpoint for a while and then went home.
went to pasar malam for lunch and ate burger.i bought a stress ball at $ night i went to sleep.tatah!
Mid year in 20 days, buck up Syazana.