Okay,i have no idea what i should post about.But the Yellow Ribbon Fund is still empty.Well,training was as usual,tiring and well everyone had to train under the scorching sun.Why did the Sun even exist?nvm.
No training today.No one wants to go out.Project mates not free to do project.And here i am staring at the computer.Computer nowadays totally sucks.No songs to download.
Homework?i finished the my grammar book already.yeah,only.
Tagged by Zuhairah and Nabilah to do some retarded quiz.
Not doing it now.If im not wrong i did the quiz before.
Allisa recommended me to play Habbo so,i signed up for it.

*Sneezes*Great, my eyes are puffy and watery and there's like a whole box of Giant tissues in front of me and a dustbin beside me.I know,i ate my medicine already,and guess what? - it looked like orange flavoured skittles,now that's the reason why i wanna eat it.
Today we had training and it was freaking awesome.New coach,Shawn.Ex BPian and ex BP vice captain and he is a maths teacher.Coaches are always maths teachers,except for Jun hao,he is a Physics teacher,kinda.At least it had something gotta do with numbers.Well,mainly there were hourly water breaks,which is a no-no last time.Received,set and spiked.doughh~
After that,EBPM went to Causeway for lunch.Amalina couldn't stop laughing and i think the chilli went into her nose or something.Zu emo-ed,for no reason. Allisa was searching for some freaking headphones.We screamed like nobody's business when we saw the LIMITED EDITION colours, Allisa's gonna buy orange or maybe tomorrow she gonna call me and say that she'd changed her mind and will buy red or grey instead?Maybe im gonna buy the one in teal,just maybe.maybe?
Went home and watched Tyra Banks.It was sad.Well,well.
Getting drowsy after that skittle capsule.Ciao.
KEBABOM! the potatoe is back.great the last time i updated my blog was like a week ago?
The take over,the break's not yet over.Results suck like shit.Yea,yea..syazana.You are gonna buck up and do more assessments and get tuition and be attentive in every single lesson,whether its home econs or physics?Cummon,reflect on whatever you did the past few months and i think you don't deserve any better than this.Shut up!
As usual,there's no holiday during June holidays.Homeworks piling up and training is taking up at least 15hours per week.For your own good,i know..i know.(refer to zhiyeeeee's blog for homeworks except for the Chinese part.)Great,I am gonna have a really joyful holiday.Hell,ya.
Meet the Parent's session was not bad.Met my mum at CCK Interchange and went for lunch then straight to school.Met Miss Kang and talked and talked then ciao.I shall not elaborate on what Miss Kang talked about me.
Saturday was full of frustrations.Had to study for my religious class exams again.And we had a family feast since my aunt is going for pilgrimage.well,well..had a pathetic day but at least i went down the slide.Okay and i played the swing and stuffs.Miss my childhood times,where me and my sister would play ice and water,just the two of us.And when my yellow Pokemon watch shows that our 1 hour of playtime is up,we will run up the stairs and whoever steps on the door mat first is the winner.
Once again,if you are weak hearted,this is your last time to turn away.Run your eyeballs with water after looking at this.May cause blindness.Ready?
-Another Syazana advertisement
On Sunday,had our religious class exams and dang Arab was --.Well actually i went to Sentosa for my uncle's family day,star-gazed.(zu's jealous) and watched to fireworks.
Well,there were lot of stars that night.i mean like hell,ya you dont see stars when you look out and up of your window.Get what i mean?
And yes,today im down with a flu.Im getting sick.Panadol Cold?nah.
zoinks.i have no idea why i feel so sad all of a sudden.damn,wadever.
well religious class was scary.we had oral today and the best thing is,i was the second to be tested.But well,ustaz said that everyone did well,lowest was 12/15. (:
after prayers,was pathetic.Didn't have class or anything because the teacher ended up playing
Syed's (mentos guy) PSP.
Dwi got an emo shot of me while reading the Quran.But i look like some old granny.
A lot of people is obsessed with Hwa Chong#10.Lol?And the best thing is,i just saw him today,and i realised that i see him everyday on my way to school.How cool?
GREAT.I have bruises on my legs and shoulder.Okay,i fell just now.I'll get over it.
Well the day kicked off with CME, and we watched Tuesdays with Morries-Mitch Albom.Touching in a way.Second was Math,it was then that i realised that drawing graphs was damn difficult.Here's the best part,after recess i had to bring my bag over to DNT workshop since it was the last period.Since there wasn't enough time,i went for assembly with my bag.
Charis:Why are you carrying your bag?
ME: I'm going home after recess since there's nothing to do during DNT.The DM came into my class just now and said that we are released early.Don't worry I'll come back for training later.
Charis:Really?Don't bluff me.*went to ask Sharleen*
Somehow,Sharleen agreed with whatever i said though she didn't know i was the one who came up with it.
Charis:waa~So good.
Soon the team was crowding around me.i repeated the lie and they were convinced.
During assembly Darren Chua asked Zhi Sheng(or whoever) about 05 being released early.I stood up and told Charis that it was a lie.lol.Even Zu believed.I am a good actress you see.
You guys are fooled!!and before i know it,Allisa was spreading the news to her class.(she didn't know it was a lie)
We had chicken rice for lunch and had training under the scorching hot sun,almost got heat stroke.We tree-gazed and crapped.Headed home.
My family went to catch a Malay movie,i didn't wanna follow.Didn't eat lunch but im eating the leftover popcorns now.want some?
To my momma:
You’ve always been there for me
You’ve raised to be what I am today
You’ve taught me what is good and bad within the world
I love the way you know how to make me feel just right
You always offer your help, no matter what, even if you’re busy
I’m glad you’re my mother
I Love you so much
Ill always love you no matter what happens
And I know as long as I’m alive you’ll watch over me.(:
(i had a hard time drawing her wearing a scarf)
On a saturday morning,
Mum:*knocks on bathroom door* Hurry up!We are going out,dad's meeting us at 10am and we haven't had pur breakfast.
ME:*brushing teeth* What?!
That was how it all started,by 11am we were already at Suntec City.I haven't been there for like ages.Mum want too look around for holiday packages,well.well.Looked around the boring exhibition trailing my mum and dad.there was a dikir barat performance,i guess they clapped so hard that the stage light were sort of 'vibrating'.My sister claims that their performance was the reason for her stomachache.Walked around the mall for a while and bought a converse shoe.Alas,my first converse shoe.(:
Walked around again,went to Watsons and bought a packet of mints.Went to the exhibition, again.Booked our flights.Mum told us to get a drink from Coffee Bean since we were all lethargic it was my very first time buying something from Coffee Bean so well since Allisa said that white chocolate dream is nice,then we ordered it. One drink,four people.I was feeling nausea again.
After lunch,i begged my mum to go home.But at like around 6.30pm,we went out for dinner.
There was a traffic jam we were in the car for like 30 mins?Big deal.
I'll make my mum's present early in the morning, tomorrow.3am it is.
Allisa didn't come today and that meant no crapping during training.
School was okay,but after that we had AGM(Annual General Meeting).We had buffet before that.The one that we had to pay $6.Food was nice but it was a lot and Han Zu was forced by Vlee to finish a whole plate of chicken which had like 10 chicken wings in it.Jolie came late for the buffet so we decided to take her food in case it will be wiped out.She came late,so me,zu, charis added 'stuffs' in her food we added sugar-from the donut on her chicken and sweet and sour fish fillet and then there was sweet potato from the 'bo bo cha cha' which we told her was carrot.Not only that we added the 'bo bo cha cha' soup into her rice.Jolie came and ate that thing.Gosh.Well she said it was nice and should add more of the soup into her rice.Triple 'ew'.
Had to train and we did shuttle run.I was feeling nausea during training so i sat aside,guess what after water break,i vomitted at the grass near the court,i couldn't do anything anymore,everything came out.I don't think anyone saw it.
End of story.Get well soon Allisa, and i suggest you paint your eyeballs white cause your puffy red eyes yesterday scared me out of my skin.Zu,thanks for the bubbletea.
Oh yea we got some of our results today, I shall not complain because i know God is always fair.You gave me faith.Thank you.
Great today we had another post exam activity.GARH!
I played volleyball and Captain's ball.Volleyball sucks,well let me get this straight,if you have the mentality to loose,then we WILL loose.damn.
Next was Captain's ball.First game was with 204,well we lost.Then with i-don't-know-what-class and we WON!Game with 2A and i got a free hug from some random girl,she actually she lost her balance and hugged me instead.Start of lesbian-ism.Nah.Fourth was with 201,which was very --.
Then with 206,woots.Fierce,that's the only word that i can use to describe them.Hui Yan is the defender for me and guess what?i played with her ears when she was defending me.
Okay end of story,my sister's is gonna have her Science exam tomorrow and my mum was testing her.
Mum: Where do caterpillars lay their eggs?
ME: basket?
Oh yea,my mum has problem pronouncing nymph she pronounces it as nympff.sheesh
And at last we ended up eating Cadbury chocolates.
I'm outta here.*disappears* -______________-
All right potatoes.
The lower secondary classes had leadership course today.duh~ I shall say that this year's course is a gazillion times much better than last year.Last year,i think i slept halfway through the course listening to the teacher's lecture,so yeah.The trainer this year was much interesting and we have King Far(a.k.a Faris) and of course out dearest Queen JOLIE.wow.
We crapped a lot with the teacher and we played games,or i rather say game.We did some pathetic game where we had to get this tyre out of the freaking pole without standing or jumping.We(the whole class) decided to build a human-pyramid.Well the base consists of Atiqah,Marcus,ME,Zhi Sheng,Sharleen,Nathaniel and Jolie.Concrete huh?Well there's Norman Lee on me and Zhi Sheng and on Norman there's Imran.My face turned red cas i think the blood circulation stopped for a while.wth.And the best thing is,we DIDN'T manage to get the damn tyre out.well,well.
ouh okay.
I think i posted a really pathetic post just now.So,i guess,here's another one.I am wondering why am i sleeping late for like the past few days,including today.I know that i have been mugging and all but today?what-the-heck am i doing here.
I seriously don't know what to post about,and i can't believe that you are actually reading this.
Oh yes,anyone has any recommendations for ENGLISH songs?I have like downloaded everything on the Billboard charts and now,i have nothing to download.Except for the fact that Allisa asked me to download for her Next to you by that Gavin guy.
I was actually planning to clear my desktop or should i say my files.I have too many folders that some of them are empty and there are like so many copies of my music files.lame,i know.
I ate Cheezels just now (:
"There are going to be times in your life when all you wanna do is lay down in the middle of the road during rush hour."
In case some retards didnt realize,MYE is over!Like,YAY!sheesh.
Okay first things first,Physics was hard.But well over is over,dont dwell on it Syazana.
Well,i bet every Bpian will run home and turn on the computer or the television or straight to bed and start snoring.
Maths paper was like dang--My butt was aching and i think my chair had fever,it was hot,warm I shall say.
Tomorrow will be post exam activities..and we are gonna have some movie marathon i think.Happy Feet?High School Musical(s)?
Have been listening to Secondhand Serenade lately,their songs are—(fill in the blanks)