Monday, May 26, 2008
And the hearts all over the world tonight.
KEBABOM! the potatoe is back.great the last time i updated my blog was like a week ago?
The take over,the break's not yet over.Results suck like shit.Yea,yea..syazana.You are gonna buck up and do more assessments and get tuition and be attentive in every single lesson,whether its home econs or physics?Cummon,reflect on whatever you did the past few months and i think you don't deserve any better than this.Shut up!
As usual,there's no holiday during June holidays.Homeworks piling up and training is taking up at least 15hours per week.For your own good,i know..i know.(refer to zhiyeeeee's blog for homeworks except for the Chinese part.)Great,I am gonna have a really joyful holiday.Hell,ya.
Meet the Parent's session was not bad.Met my mum at CCK Interchange and went for lunch then straight to school.Met Miss Kang and talked and talked then ciao.I shall not elaborate on what Miss Kang talked about me.
Saturday was full of frustrations.Had to study for my religious class exams again.And we had a family feast since my aunt is going for pilgrimage.well,well..had a pathetic day but at least i went down the slide.Okay and i played the swing and stuffs.Miss my childhood times,where me and my sister would play ice and water,just the two of us.And when my yellow Pokemon watch shows that our 1 hour of playtime is up,we will run up the stairs and whoever steps on the door mat first is the winner.
Once again,if you are weak hearted,this is your last time to turn away.Run your eyeballs with water after looking at this.May cause blindness.Ready?
-Another Syazana advertisement
On Sunday,had our religious class exams and dang Arab was --.Well actually i went to Sentosa for my uncle's family day,star-gazed.(zu's jealous) and watched to fireworks.
Well,there were lot of stars that night.i mean like hell,ya you dont see stars when you look out and up of your window.Get what i mean?
And yes,today im down with a flu.Im getting sick.Panadol Cold?nah.