Monday, June 30, 2008
finally,i finished watching a walk to remember,I know its old and what not.
i just watched it.I bet a everyone who had watched it,cried.unfortunately,i didnt.i don't know whether it was because of the volume.or wadever.but i didnt cry.Maybe im heartless,like what my mum always says.
I've watched another movie,something like a walk to remember but its an indonesian movie.they married and then the wife got amnesia and she even forgot her husband's's the end she died.(the way i say it(she died) seems so heartless)
okay,i better go to bed,or else i cant open my eyes tomorrow morning,i mean this morning.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
thursday's training made me realised,
nah,i ain't gonna give up.i wanna make a difference even if its just a slight one.
we all started together at the same day and time,but some got better privileges and unfortunately,it not us.well,so what?it doesnt mean we can't be good, right?its just the matter of time.between skills and morale,i rather have the latter.Morale is the greates single factor in successful allisa said:
"we don't need skills. we need that morale. that confidence within ourselves to try. "
you never try,you'll never know.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Its 11.45pm.
Lets recap.
Drums sounded off, the war had just begun.
Our faces thick with paint, weapons at the ready, minds ablaze and ready to take on the beast that lies ahead.
Its that time of the year again.
The school has started.
Everyone in class was exactly the same.Same nonsensical childishness which gets everyone laughing, same stress, same twitching teacher.Wasnt as bad as i expected.
New timetable,again.Why does the timetable department have to do this?Wait,is there even one?
The smell of new socks and new school shoes greeted me as i stepped into the school.fine,stop it already.
Did some administrative stuffs during our first period,update hp numbers,new target etc.2nd period was teacher.She told us a lot of stuffs about her and some others.She told us that in America,prisoners gets --(whats the past tense of SODOMY?)Get your dictionary if you dont know what it means or simply head to,but if you are weak-hearted,don't check.I'm serious.The only lesson was Higher malay,we even had homework.Shit.
Nationals at PHS.Against Dunman,East Zone Champs.Zomg.Some were prepared to get thrashed,whereas some were prepared to thrash them.Seems impossible,but we did it.Won 2-1.Good start eh?They/We tried real hard,i can see.YAY.We managed to pull it through.Once again,Zomg!

Nothing much.My head throb like hell today.Felt like slicing it into pieces and eating it with green bean soup,ew!Literature presentation today,Ms Koh said it was 'GOOD',it ain't sarcastic.Well at least i think so.Didn;t think we will manage it but unfortunately,we did.BOOYAH.I just finished filing my malay worksheets in my file.(redundant last 3 words.)I made new dividers and stuff.So,yea.
I just downed a glass of cold chocolate milk btw and a panadol EXTRA.toodles.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
At 5.45pm today,me and my family went to the library.Mum and dad had tea whereas me and my sister went to the library.On the way there,i saw Haziq(ex-classmate).It ha dbeen two whole years since the last time i saw him.He didn't change much though.Coincidently, i saw him in the library again.I think he stalked me.After a while then he picked up his courage and talked to me.Talked for a while and then bid farewell.I'm left with my vocab book now,last homework.YAY!
Im sick of vocabBBBBBBB.
Friday, June 20, 2008
damn.currently doing vocab book.It's not fair that other classes had completed the freaking book earlier.And obviously i think our class has th emost homework esp. English.Such a freak!Just finished the Heymaths!Benchmarks.At last.There's no training today and mum want me to meet her at Somerset (near her work place) and then hang out and also not to forget to search for my sister's freaking 4B malay txtbook.we've searched like a number of popular bookstores but, to no avail.I'll be meeting my mum at like around 2pm.I don't wanna go,i need to finish my assignments but my issiter can't possibly go there.And the best thing is i haven't cook for our (me and my sister) lunch.Well,actually not much,just instant noddles.Lol?
*Heard a scream*Right,my sister just finished her 107-pages-of-compulsory-to-read-PINNOCHIO STORY BOOK.part of her homework and she still has to read GULLIVER"S TRAVELS. muahaha.she gonna die, it think.School opens on MISERABLE gonna have monday blues again

Sunday, June 15, 2008
-Heymaths benchmarks(2more)
-as a grp make 4 higher order thinking questions
- St.Margarets Secondary School Paper
-read elephant essay online
-vocab book (complete the whole book)
-letter writing (write about an article to your friend and tell him or her how it affects you)
-Karangan: Kesan kenaikan harga barangan sedunia dalam kehidupan manusia.
Right.If you realised,my blog theme for this moment is the toilet.
Why?You might be wondering.Actually there's nothing much, it a so-called-some-kinda-celebration after receiving an award.

*Ahem* To all my fellow toilet fans,thank you for making this happen.I've been waiting for this award for almost a decade.Thank you once again for making this possible. -tears-
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Yeehaa.Okay, im back.Finally.Touched down at like 2031 hrs yesterday on AK0127.4D, anyone?
For the first time,i realised that Singapore is beautiful,well at night especially.Board on the airplane from KLIA hopping to catch a view of the Singapore Flyer at night.Unfortunately,they was nothing.Well,indeed everything was beautiful too bad i can't.But after four times on the airplane for the past week,i am somehow sick of it, seriously.G A W D. I don't feel like typing a whole 1000 word summary on whadever happened the past few days.Well,i guess i'll do a things-that-happened-during-my-trip list heh?
1. In the airplane, from Singapore to KL some random irritating-in-a-cute-way kid was talking to his mum.
*Pointed at a koala bear in a magazine*
"Mummy,look the koala is naked." nowadays,so horny.
2. There were bird and flies in KLIA macs.darn.
3. Malaysians police officers touch our bodies if that scanning thing beeps.Including your boobs.I wasn't touched but my sister was.All because of her belt.
4. Flight attendants are gay.
5. The 'Emergency evacuation procedure' speech is still in my head.
6. We ate seafood by the sea during sunset.But too bad there were 3 cats there ,so i wasn't enjoying the view,instead i was exchanging seats with my sister and my dad.
ilike don't mind bugs and worms but, CATS ARE A NO,NO.
hmm..i gotta go cas i have something on with Mr.President. I'll call you HOT if u believe me. nowadays,so horny.
2. There were bird and flies in KLIA macs.darn.
3. Malaysians police officers touch our bodies if that scanning thing beeps.Including your boobs.I wasn't touched but my sister was.All because of her belt.
4. Flight attendants are gay.
5. The 'Emergency evacuation procedure' speech is still in my head.
6. We ate seafood by the sea during sunset.But too bad there were 3 cats there ,so i wasn't enjoying the view,instead i was exchanging seats with my sister and my dad.
hmm..i gotta go cas i have something on with Mr.President. I'll call you HOT if u believe me.
Friday, June 6, 2008
- I'm gonna miss you guys.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Today there was no training,just for one day in this week.Seriously tired man!They should make it max. thrice a week ya'know.Forget it.
Since its the only day I am free, i decided to meet up with my Lit group members and do the damn project.Unfortunately,Lip Leon had dragon boat.Hmm..lets see,we met outside Woodlands Regional Library at like around 10am.Khalid was late as usual.So then we went to the last floor and there were 3 empty tables.How lucky.Sat at the usual place.Then did our work.Nabilah did the powerpoint slides,Khalid helped me with the scrapbook and did some Maths,since he did all the explanation for all the literary device.There was this once embarrassing moment when Kahlid burped and it was freaking loud!Our neighbour even laughed.I seriously hoped that the ground would swallow me.The best part is,Khalid wasn't 'paiseh' at all,he even wrote 'IM SORRY' on a foolscap paper and showed to the-person-who-was-laughing-at-him.Went lunch with Nabilah at KFC.Khalid was alone in the library as he didnt wanna go for lunch,so he took care of our belongings.We bought for him French Fries and whipped potato,actually we smuggled it into the library.As soon as we came back,our-laughing-neighbour asked us to take care of their things as they wanted to go out for lunch.So,Khalid did the job.They came back in like 45 mins and gave Khalid a TOBLERONE.(is it correct?)-well its that pyramid chocolate lar.
It still had the price tag on it and it cost $,I heard the laughing-person-friend talking:
-Allisa and Zu is distracting me on MSN-
Laughing-person friend 1: You owe me $1+5cents+5 cents.*talking to laughing-person friend 2*
Laughing-person friend 2: -Didn't say anything-
Laughing-person friend 1: And YOU over there,owe me $1.50.
*I was like ____.*
Cummon give things sincerely.
Okay i guess after lunch,everyone did their work properly and stuffs.Planned to go home at 3pm but eventually we left the library at around 5.30pm?Freaking tired.
Arghh,today is the only day that we I have no training and yet,i had to do project and its like full-day.DAMN.
Well,tmr's training in school at 9am.Let's see,I'm off to KL and Langkawi on Sat morning.So,i wont be able to send the volleyball dudes off to Thailand and also the team lunch.
I hate the progress of my homework.
Lets see:(courtesy of ALVINA :D)
-excercise 7b
-excercise 7c
-excercise 11a
-excercise 11b
-online test
-as a grp make 4 higher order thinking questions
-read elephant essay online
-grammar exercise
-vocab book (complete the whole book)
-letter writing (write about an article to your friend and tell him or her how it affects you)
-pg 90-97
-pg 108-119
Till then.toodles.