Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just came back from some prize presentation thingy at woodlands regional library.
I am 11th in the National Malay Essay Competition.And i bet i was the only sec 2 there.Seriously.
My parents picked me up and we went for lunch and shopped a while,but we needed to reach home by four cas my sister has will be coming back from some flower-arranging competition at SUNTEC,again.
Guess that's it.Common Test coming.Mug,mug,mug.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I almost died in the 190 bus today.
The driver lost control,and jerked like toooot and then he horned like crazy.
Did some drills.
25 storeys in 3min30sec,and i failed.but i managed to do it below 5mins.
Jumping,2 sets of 20.
12 sets of running from boys toilet at upper sec till guard place/house.
My legs are trembling/shaking/wobbly.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tesellation workshop break,20 mins.
Guys,playing dota,including faggot who is beside me.Ladies?Simply blogging,msn orjust b*tching around.
Khalid and Alvina are reading the freaking Twilight website.
And im bumping around eating mentos,again.There's training later.
Okay whatthehell, i have no idea what im posting about. :*
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wellington Primary School jumble sale.Sucked,i mean that its the worst in the whole 8 years of history,seriously.The hall was empty and the canteen was like THERE-ISN'T-SPACE-FOR-YOU-TO-WALK-SO-GO-HOME kinda thing.The coupon was $5,and there was nothing to but food.Some little,primary 4 kids,including my sister,set up game stalls.Ya know,those lame ones like, "you throw this ball into the basket and you get a prize,YAY!"
As you know,well maybe some of you.I hate little kids especially toddlers.To be specific,any kid that is below my elbow.I felt like grabbing those primary 1 kids with two teeth missing by their raven black hair and throw them onto the ground and kick their faces.NEH-NANNY-POO-POO.*sticks out tongue
Irritating Rats.
Just came back from some religious class workshop at some random mosque in Bedok.
Met the usual people,guys,girls,gays and of course the b*tches. awww~
Luckily,everyone got a $5 popular voucher.Well,that made me smile just a lil bit.
Fast facts:
The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.
I'm done here,seeyuh when i seeyuh.
As you know,well maybe some of you.I hate little kids especially toddlers.To be specific,any kid that is below my elbow.I felt like grabbing those primary 1 kids with two teeth missing by their raven black hair and throw them onto the ground and kick their faces.NEH-NANNY-POO-POO.*sticks out tongue
Irritating Rats.
Just came back from some religious class workshop at some random mosque in Bedok.
Met the usual people,guys,girls,gays and of course the b*tches. awww~
Luckily,everyone got a $5 popular voucher.Well,that made me smile just a lil bit.
Fast facts:
The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.
I'm done here,seeyuh when i seeyuh.
Raise my hands up high, to the falling sky tonight, because this is my life and this is my time. I wrote my failures on my hand. It turned into a book I’m yet to end. This story will progress when I fall flat on my face and get back up again.
Friday, July 18, 2008
There this hot thing in school about some's scary in a disgusting way.
WARNING! Pathetic intro ahead:
As usual,i dragged myself out of bed at 5.30am to get ready for school.Set out at 6am.Board the train then the bus.Reached school at 6.50am.In school,the classroom was dark and Nathaniel claims that we had to save the earth.I wanted to finish my last maths question but i couldn't see.
Lets see,there's History,Literature(created onomatopoeia) and then Maths and Physics.
Went home.And now,I'm here.
idungiveadamn. therefore,dungivemeadamn.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
hello suckas.
*Dad just came back from work and reminds me that i have another 10 mins left.*
So,where do i start?
BP is qualified for the Records Challenge Finals.As for finals,we are gonna break a Guinness World Record.
AND, our C'Div boys won the 'Nationals Champs' title.
Great news huh?
As you can see,i changed my blogskin,no more sodomy freak.Its green,unless you are colour blind.Oh,i feel so environmental friendly.Cut the crap.
School's okay.No training for today and tomorrow.Some kinda celebration cas we won NATIONAL CHAMPS.I think everyone deserves a break after so much training.My arm hurts after the 5kg weights session the other day.Wow,my muscles are growing.I can see it,it getting more
Hmm,vlee is retiring or should i just say,he just retired yesterday.
vlee:On the day when i get National Champs,I'll retire.Therefore,today is my retirement day.
Man,how could he.He is like the father of BPVB,or maybe the backbone of us,like coach always said.Now,there's no more:
-1000 hao-peng-yous
-Running in the field if we threw our first ball
-Going to his condo for parties
No one's going to:
-Chase the soccer boys away from the street soccer court
-Counting of balls
-Paying $100++ for missing balls
Lost one gained one.Why do all good things come to an end?
just now,i saw Tawakal and i accidentally spit out my pearls(i was drinking bubble tea).Luckily i was fast enough to slurp it in back.Unlike Allisa,she will eventually put the pearl back into the bubble tea.
Oh ya,i made a new friend,Mary.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Yesterday's training was physical training.I was with my I-AM-BUSTED chant when we had to run like 2km.I ran like almost everyday in this week.Actually 2km was okay,but the word 'km' made got me demoralized.Fine,fine.Said some prayers and then ran.Not bad after all,except for the part that my foot was partially submerged in the puddle of water-mixed-with mud.
Climbed 20storeys.
Sixty supermans.
Sixty sit-ups on the bench.
Some weight-lifting.
That's it.
Just came back from blog-hopping and i found out that some of my friends had already picked up smoking.Assholes.And some are tongue-pierced.What the hell is happening to this world?
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
At last i completed the freaking one's online here,maybe its because its 4.16am.
I need clothes pegs to clip my eyelashes to my hair and prevent me from dozing off.Watery eyes.Restless.Fatigue is overcoming me.I sound more like a drug addict instead of sleepy asshole.
*tosses MENTOS(mint) into mouth*
1.42am,and i haven't even started on my Home Econs PowerPoint,damn.Still compiling all the info's.
Normal weekend,except for the fact that i had to spend my Saturday rotting,since i couldn't crap with my little sister,cas she had a whole day presentation about fighting fish at Suntec.
Alas i found a new blogskin.Haha,sodomy freak?
Okay,I have to complete my powerpoint since i have to meet my group members in 9 hours at Bugis.Not to buy skinnies or tank tops or slogan tees or pumps.Or wadever you can think of.But to go to Victoria street to search for some freaking lace.Dammit.
oh yea,Shutter shades are hot.laugh for all i care,cas i dungiveadamn.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
oh yea right,i know.I haven't been updating my blog for long.if you realised. Hadn"t got the time ya'know.
*checks others blogs*
Right.lets strat from thursday,cas i cant recall everything that happened on tuesday and wednesday.amnesia?lol.
we more Nationals top 8,that we dreamt of.The dream wasn't materialized.Goodbye Nationals.Goodbye matches.goodbye ponning classes for matches.Goodbye C'girls'07.Hello B'girls'08.mixed feelings.In the bus,we got a lengthy lecture but if you extract the main points,you'll realise that everything id true.After the match was really contradicting,we bonded.main and non-main.played mixed match,heart-to-heart talk under our 'house',actually we were crapping about SODOMY.Eileen asked stupid questions,and we ended up bursting into peals of tummy hurt a lot,after all those laughing.Though, everyone was laughing,deep inside,they have not got over the grief.False Pretense.
Wait,do you know what's sodomy?
205 CRUZADERS,sold ice cream and hot-dogs,i scooped ice-creams and served people,hot and nerds.But it was fun.We closed the ice-cream booth for a while,since the ice-cream was already melting.The queue was freaking long.We collected a grand total of,$479.profit was thrice our --(can't get that word outta my head).
I played the bucket game,and got flour all opver my hair esp.I don't know what got into me.
Well after that we had water bash since it was ALLISA's butt-day.Spalshed here and there.Got wet inside and out(you get what i mean.)walked around the school barefooted and even played volleyball cas we dried our shoes and clothes.the bastketball thingy looked like some bangladesh house.we hung our shorts and house shirt everywhere.
Then Hui Yan,Poh Hian and Jolie Goh Jue Hui bought for us KFC.woots.ate and went for Mass Dance.
I didn't regret going for it,it was --wow.Esp,the indian dance,everyone was cheering,man.Colours everywhere.Mr LJS,said we will be wearing white shirts on the actual pure.Leaders.will be wearindg their house shirt on the day so that they will stand out.well obviously some people messed the dance a bit,and carlyna was like "SYAZANAAAA..."paiseh.
The host came down to and there were filming.shit.Then went home alone.That's about it i guess.