Thursday, August 28, 2008
he is a BABOON
What if Prince Charming had never showed up? Would Snow White have slept in that glass coffin forever? Or would she have eventually woke up, spit out the apple, gotten a job, a health care package & a baby from her local neighbour hood sperm bank? I couldn't help but wonder... inside every confident, driven, single woman, is there a delicate, fragile princess just waiting to be saved?
-Sex & The City
So much of fairy tales.And happy endings.
Oh, hello btw.Seems like i'm updating once a week, eh?Blame everything on TIME and SCHOOL.
There's like 4 training days this week.And now,
My eyes are red,puffy and watery.
It hurts and i'll have to squint my eyes when i stare at the computer screen.very drama.
Okay today's climax was when i tapped my ezlink to get to the MRT platform and the freaking thing flashed, INSUFFICIENT VALUE.Zu was already inside and she had to get out again, nvm she's using bus pass.Luckilly,she was nice enough to lend me $2.So, we headed for the ticket machine and brought the standard ticket.Wait,there's another climax.The fare trip to Sembawang was $2.50.Luckilly we saw JR and she had some coins and she had 40cents.Another climax coming.i needed another 10 cents?Dug my pocket and found a 10 cent coin.Wait..wait,another climax, i got the standard ticket,alas!
Very long winded.
okay im done here, i need to handle some matters with OBAMA.sorry.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A series of unfortunate events.
Friday, August 22, 2008
BURNING DUSK. Edward's point of view of 'New Moon'.
Bye, I have to read New Moon.
Yay,finally.I can rest on a FRIDAY.Over the past few weeks,it has been one common test after another.Well,its our last common test together as a class after the streaming.
Just now was the sandwich-making competition.Shanice had piano practical exams so she was late.
We did this and did that..and all the what nots.
And finally,we came up with this,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
No one's online.I'm done here.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spare my emotional side 10 seconds for something it has got to say,
x:Just go.
Okay,I'll go.Well,sometimes your words are piercing and you tend to act on impulse.Everyone might just plaster on I-AM-OKAY mask.What I am trying to say is please think before acting.
Nah,nah I ain't heartbroken or something,seriously.And yes,I'm referring to you.
Okay back on my post,
-waves arms in the air- Common Tests are finally over!(typical line)
Lets see:
English:Alright,I'm just hoping that I won't screw it up or something.
Malay:The passage was on puberty-like the growth of boobs?I got 31/50.Quite okay for me.
Literature:Thought it would be an essay question but it wasn't.So eventually i got back the paper and i got 19/31=76%=A1!
History:Fingers crossed*An A please.
Physics:All of the questions were from O-Level Physics.(I asked Miss Kang) She said 206 Blinkers did quite well.wohoo :D

Chemistry:I couldn't finish the paper.I didn't manage to write the last two words.
Maths:I'm scared.
Day started off with Shanice about Michael Phelps on how he won 8 GOLDS in the Olympics and stuffs.We were suppose to discuss about the sandwich making competition thing and we crapped about the freaking guy called Phelps.Ended up with zero ideas.Nano.Zilch.Nil.Null.
And it ended off with training.Physical Training, I mean.
Friday, August 15, 2008

I'd like to think I never did those things, or never said that to you.
But the truth is, I did and that's apart of me.
I make mistakes, and I know who I am because of them.
I lost you because of it, but to lose you meant to gain myself.
But the truth is, I did and that's apart of me.
I make mistakes, and I know who I am because of them.
I lost you because of it, but to lose you meant to gain myself.
I like this quote,though it doesn't apply to me.I bet those heartbroken peeps out there would say that this is true.idk.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Practically,Hong Bin,Shanice,Khalidand ELvina are shoo-ing me away from the study table,since there's only like 4 chairs.Now,im in the multimedia section,typing anopther freak-ass post,release stress i call it.And in the background some irritating guys on their laptops are talking about chem stuffs.
Ok fine,im trying to imply that im bored.In other words,boredom is killing me.OH-NO.I finished revising for history and lit and some physics.Well at least i bothered to cramp some stuffs into my small but big head on eve of national day and national day.Spent like almost half-an-hoir here already.I guess i might as well go off.
Ciao.Don't forget to take eye breaks when studying. Gosh this spacebar button on this keyborad sucks.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Once again,if you are weak hearted, do not scroll down.

If you have the time,listen to Marcos Hernandez - The Way I Do.Assholic-ly nice ya'know.
In case you didn't realise i changed my skin,AGAIN.okay,okay,i promise not to change my skin for at least a month.
" I,Nursyazana solemnly promise that i will not change my my blogskin for at least a month."
happy now?say yes.
Well,as for this skin, i edited the codes and it took me like what?1hr 30mins to finish.edited the image and it refused to move to the left and thus i had to check dynamic drive.wadever.
Actually,i forgot to wish a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY TO EVERYONE.
ok,thats it.I wanna study.Wait should i study or sleep?
Lets do the old fashion way.*Grabs a flower*
*Another flower*
Fine,i shall sleep.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Yesterday was cheering comp and national day parade.
National Day parade,
Coudn't hear wth the emcee was babbling about.Couldn't hear the band playing.
206 guys were singing like loadly and monotonously.
Unfortunately,i was beside them.Wadever.
Cheering Comp,
First class.Made a fool out of ourselves.Well nvm.
mitochondria was cute and 3M1 was cute,the cheerleaders were shouting the kidneys out(get the irony?)Well by the time 02's turn came,it drizzled and we sang rain-rain-go-away.
Community singing:I don;t know what i did but i knew that i was making a fool outta myself,the audience were like -_________-,seriously this was their facial expression -__________-
So it drizzled,went back to class and the whole class was already there with chairs and watching the prize presentation.Guess what?I joined Norman,,Yeo Wei Jie,Imran, Lippy for soccer.Typical game with bottle cap.
Pictures speak a million words.
And lastly,an UNGLAM PHOTO OF ALVINA LEOW PEI HUA! but khalid claims that she is photogenic.idk.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Friendly match at PJC and BP'B' won!Ohkay.ya that's all,i think.And there's Mr lee,he gave a really motivational talk.
Beach volleyball.Seniors didn't come down and i had no idea why.Didn't wanna go actually,and now i regretted cas it wasn't that worth it.At least you can start cramping some stuffs into your head before common test starts right?Say yes.
Apparently it wasn't like i expected,sand was freaking hot that you don't wanna walk.Wait,how lame is that?Wadever.
Some people swam.kayak and cycle..haha allisa,we cycled yea..
We then headed for Vivo,where we had our lunch.Then,188-ed home.The journey back to cck was like 1hour?Slept,like duh.i didn"t drool,if i were to,i would drool on allisa.
Well i still had to go home by MRT.Tired.

You closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too---even when you are in the dark. Even when you're falling.
-Tuesdays with Morrie
Saturday, August 2, 2008
At last, im here.
Tiring week thought,3 tests this week and luckily everything turned out okay.
Lets see,never mind I'll just start from yesterday.History test was not bad because i studied,like duh!Enough of tests.
Training was like d-a-m-n cas there's Physical Training.
3 set of 30 of dumbbells
5 sets of 20 of the jump back-and-forth and sideways
and the worst part,150 storeys = endurance run
As for the endurance run,i think its better than the one with timing cas u feel relaxed and there's no rush.I thought i would collapse by the 13th floor but i didn't.There's this two freaks,so called the commenter for the day,they crapped at every floor.At least i had some entertainment.Eilieen kept on counting how many more steps it takes to reach the next floor.
As for charis:
Charis: Omg,this house is so white,its so clean!
*Another floor
Charis:Omg there are puddle of white paint everywhere.
Syazana:They are blobs not puddles,Charis
Charis:Oh ya!
But i was satisfied beybeh.
In the memory of,Nike Grey
*tears welling up*
Whoever freak stole this bottle(not you zu),i'll curse you that you
"Jump off the cliff and land on a sack of potatoes and chillies.Chilli seeds stuck in your eyeballs and you can't get rid of 'em"
*tears welling up*
Whoever freak stole this bottle(not you zu),i'll curse you that you
"Jump off the cliff and land on a sack of potatoes and chillies.Chilli seeds stuck in your eyeballs and you can't get rid of 'em"