Monday, August 11, 2008
Practically,Hong Bin,Shanice,Khalidand ELvina are shoo-ing me away from the study table,since there's only like 4 chairs.Now,im in the multimedia section,typing anopther freak-ass post,release stress i call it.And in the background some irritating guys on their laptops are talking about chem stuffs.
Ok fine,im trying to imply that im bored.In other words,boredom is killing me.OH-NO.I finished revising for history and lit and some physics.Well at least i bothered to cramp some stuffs into my small but big head on eve of national day and national day.Spent like almost half-an-hoir here already.I guess i might as well go off.
Ciao.Don't forget to take eye breaks when studying. Gosh this spacebar button on this keyborad sucks.