Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Great,why does the world bother about my hair??
I mean,its extraordinary right?say yes.
There was this once, when i bought bubble tea (not this month) , and the aunti who was making my drink went like
Auntie:Ha,de tofa..(i don't know how to spell)
But like DUH i know she's talking about my hair..
It seems like i kind of dejavu-ed a moment like this today when i was walking home from Sembawang mrt station.Then,this little kid was talking about my freaking hair,i shall put the blame on NUR HELNA ALLISA of messing up my hair during training.It's all your fault.
This kid went,the tofa thing again.
Bloody toddler: I don't like this person's hairstyle,its not nice and its so BONGBONG(she said this word).
I looked at the kid then her mum.
Her bloody mum: Don't say like that.
Soon after the girl almost tripped and i was like 'YES' but unfortunately, she didn't fall or break her leg.darn.
At the traffic light,
Bloddy mum:Her hair looks like your grandma's hair...
Ya know what?I feel like going infront of the bloody mum and say,
"Excuse me bitch,do you even teach your child manners?Ohh,i forgot you are a female dog."
And i shall pull the kid's hair till her scalp bleeds that i can see her brain oozing out.* her.
And to the bubble tea woman,
I shall stick my middle finger into her nostrills and pull out her nose hair.And of course,wish her 8 years of bad luck.Let her be a spinster with 5cows,10horses,8lambs,800chickens,978542ducks and 444hippos.
Everything's all out.And im happy.
Oh ya,i took 1 1/2 hours to do the contents page for malay file.Nabilah,i know how you feel.
Bye, morons.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

So this is how it is. The innocent suffer, the guilty go free, and truth and fiction are pretty much interchangeable. There is neither a Santa Claus, nor an Easter Bunny, and there are no angels watching over us. Things just happen for no reason, and nothing makes any sense.
-Veronica Mars
In some ways, you're pretty lucky. You opened your heart, you put yourself out there, you were ready to make that leap.
I'm envious; I wish I knew what that felt like.
it was about the days that we did nothing, and everything, but together. We were best of friends and we had witnessed each other through too much to not be there for each other
& the hardest thing is holding on; especially when you know he's already let go.
"At this stage in my life nothingness is a lot better than somethingness."
- Go Ask Alice
You're right there but it's like you never knew me
Do you even know how much it hurt,
rock bottom is a beautiful start;
Rise up and show the world our scars.
Only we, know.
So this is how it is. The innocent suffer, the guilty go free, and truth and fiction are pretty much interchangeable. There is neither a Santa Claus, nor an Easter Bunny, and there are no angels watching over us. Things just happen for no reason, and nothing makes any sense.
-Veronica Mars
In some ways, you're pretty lucky. You opened your heart, you put yourself out there, you were ready to make that leap.
I'm envious; I wish I knew what that felt like.
it was about the days that we did nothing, and everything, but together. We were best of friends and we had witnessed each other through too much to not be there for each other
& the hardest thing is holding on; especially when you know he's already let go.
"At this stage in my life nothingness is a lot better than somethingness."
- Go Ask Alice
You're right there but it's like you never knew me
Do you even know how much it hurt,
rock bottom is a beautiful start;
Rise up and show the world our scars.
Only we, know.
The day came, at last.
How pathetically sad you are, you moronic ignoramus. You have the mental agility of a glacier. You can’t think at all. You are a pitiful, mentally backward Neanderthal who suffers from a severe vitamin deficiency that has obviously retarded your intellectual development. What happened to you when you were a child? Were you dropped several times? Your spiritual acumen stinks. You are blind, hateful, and utterly despicable. You are a complete loser with no sense of self-worth who has nothing better to do than elevate his shameful little reason for existence by denigrating others of far greater value than yourself. It is obvious you are a ridiculous excuse for a human, you pitifully sad, miserable, oxygen wasting wretch of a soul. I pity you. You are less than snail excrement. You are leaking mental sludge. May your atoms dissolve. I pity you and fart in your general direction.
Yea, we missed the boat.I thought there's gonna be another one but eventually, it got caught in a thunderstorm.So,when's the third one coming,or is there even another one?Oh ya, there isn't anymore boats.I heard they decided to make,
You might not understand this post,but nevermind.I'm actually trying to picture a situation using boats.Of all things i use boats.
Its very literature.
When I turn around and look back at the past,I realised we've been strong all this while, going through everything by just screaming and crying inside.This made me who I am today.Thanks for the present.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Oh no,
Great, its 1.32am and im here searching for recipes.god.
So sick.Should i sleep?I have to wake up at 3am for my breakfast.
Its gonna be 2am soon..
I'll just ______.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
the cookie jar.
what's wrong with these days?
Why is everything associated with food?
Nothing better topics?
an example would be the photoshop workshop,we were asked to create brochures one food.
And now i'm trying to google something to cook for home econs practical test this tues.
Everyone's busy,some can't be contacted.
I hate this.Maybe, we'll just do roti prata or something.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Bleeding ears!
Have i told you how much i hate this artists and their songs?
Shut up and let me go-the ting tings.
Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I tell you so
For the last time you will kiss my lips
Now Shut up and let me go
Your jeans were once so clean
I bet you changed your wardrobe since we met
Now oh so easily your over me
Gone is love
It's you that ought to be holding me
I'm not containable
This turns up
it's not sustainable
I ain't freakin'
I ain't Fakin' this
I ain't freakin’
I ain't Fakin' this
I ain't freakin'
I ain't Fakin' this
Shut up and let me go
Now excuse me while i see the doctor about my bleeding ears.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I guess i just lost my husband
From this,

Currently in comp lab 1,photoshop workshop.Yay.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Don't ever look back.
Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back.
Okay,CHECK YES JULIET is nice,i can't get it outta my head.
I can hear some random lizard somewhere in this room.The funny thing is whenever i see it,i would be like, "No syazana,no it wants to live too.Don't kill it."
I know,i know its a pest but i just can't kill it.Even cockroaches.Its not that i don't have the guts okay.Wadever.
Hmm,today's training was irritating.I was on the verge of breaking down.Maybe beacuse i only ate 3 dates,i should eat 7 this morning.I barely finish my homework,except for malay paper 2.goddammit.
oh ya,before i forget,
Kepada semua umat islam,saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dan semoga Ramadhan ini penuh rahmat.
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin.-padehal,puasa pun belum satu minggu
Chey,bahasa melayu baku sey Syazana.
Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back.
They'll tear us apart
If you give them the chance.
Don't sell your heart.
Don't say we're not meant to be.
Run, baby, run.
Forever will be
You and me.
Enough syazana,enough.
Monday, September 1, 2008
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
hey suckers.
Like hello?
Guess what?I'm watching CAMP ROCK right now.Okay i know its like very 12 year-old.But,who cares.The movie is coming out in 7 Sept but i am watching in on 1 Sept,way cool.You think?I'm watching it one the internet.
Yesterday was CIP and gosh going from house to house sucks.I mean, average you can get per block is like 2-3.And we went all the way to HOUGANG. don't say wtf.Seriously it was damn,and we had to check the house apperance making sure that it was a Christian's or a Muslim's house so that we can sell the cards.Damn.
Then ,it started pouring.that suckED.
I'll continue watching CAMP ROCK, and oh yea;
Tess is a b*tch.(Tess in Camp Rock, i mean)