Friday, February 20, 2009

Okay this week has been hectic.Tiring and sleepy everyday.For the first time in school,I slept.
And it was during history.Yes,I know.The DM class.Lololitos says that I look scary when I want to close my eyes.Stupid things happen each passing day.
And the highlight of the week is:
1) I swung my hand and it hit some Sec2 kid at the butt.And yes, he's a guy.
2) I swung my hand (again) and it hit some teacher's -toot-.And yes, he's a guy too.
Maybe you're thinking that I'm taking advantage but no I'm not.But it was good experience though.
3) West zone champs for the B'Div Girls.
4) The trip to the Arts Museum just now was quite cool.There's some porn.Oh no, I mean nude art.There's this dance thingy which was so cool that me and Lololitos danced along with the models on the screen.
5) I couldn't figure out what to write about during Eng CT just now.And as usual,I think I made the wrong inference for the SS.
6) I think we were being very inconsiderate during the trip back to school from the museum just now,as we were singing rock songs and waving to people.And of course,we were laughing our asses out. Esp. Atiqah.At least there was no 45 minutes of still life drawing just now.
And I just realised that my sister isn't studying now,she's asleep.Oh ya and she's right beside me.
Hmm..I think I shall watch the AMERICAN IDOL repeat tomorrow.
When you're young, you tell yourself things like, "Well, if it didn't work out, it wasn't meant to be," as if that actually meant something just because it sounds like it does. I think you can say something like that so blithely because you expect to stumble onto something else just as wonderful just around the next bend in the road. But people are rare, unique things and just because everyone really does live a life full of farewells, doesn't mean you shouldn't at least realize what it really means to say goodbye to something that meant everything. Just because you will survive and get over it doesn't mean you should let it go.
After one year,you want us back? Are you sure?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I seriously need an 8GB Ipod.
Oh and all the best for the coming Common Tests!
Syazana with a fro SIGNING OFF.
So school's been tiring, my schedule only allows me to be home at night, i havent seen my house in daylight in for weeks cos i leave before sunrise and come home after sundown.
Last week was a bomb. That's the main reason why i haven't posted for ages.Not really actually.
Tuesday- cant remember
Ahh forget it, i cant remember anything except for the fact i was really busy on friday.
I had O'Art, Randai/Bangasawan/Opera melayu and the sajak discussion.Had only one training this week.And i miss my teamates.I miss playing under the scorching sun.
I know its all BULLSHIT.
OMGJDDJJDSDOEWW-BBQ i have no idea what I'm talking about.
*I miss LOLO's chipmunk-choke-on-nut voice and the KATE MOSS perfume during O'Art
I have been blog-hopping since like 10 mins ago.And it seems like JC Orientations are fun.It makes me more motivated to do well.Haha,just for the orientation.
I need to get a life.
I completed 2 homework today.Lots more to go.But i feel a sense of satisfaction.GAH.
Common Tests on Friday.It's time.
It shall be my first major exam with 3M2.
And happy belated valentines.
Seeyuh when i seeyuh.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I wonder how it feels when you're dead.But your soul is still lingering around.You try to talk to people,but they don't respond. You do stupid stuffs in front of them but they don't realize. You want them to know that you're sitting in class but in reality,your seat is empty.
Or maybe when your friends dies,and you don't get to joke around with them or gossip around.Bugging each other during class, sharing food during recess. And when you're playing volleyball,you know that someone's missing.They won't update their blogs or be online on MSN. (quoted from Zu) I'm sure you're gonna miss him/her. What if it was your best friend and you didn't get a chance to say bye or ' ill meet you when i die',kinda thing.
Or maybe you had a crush on him/her and now he's/she's dead.
That hurts.I KNOW.