Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sup ya'all?
Went to the friggin clinic right below my house,which I hate.Idk why.
Mom came home from work and she saw me lying down on the bed with my Hello Kitty blanket over me.Unglam.
When i went into the room,
Doc: How old are you?Ten?
ME:No,I'm 15.
It was only that when I went out of the doctor,I realised the doc wrote on the wrong card,he wrote on NURSYAZWANI JAMIL's card.Went to the counter and clarified the matter with the clerk.And I was right,they wrote on the wrong card.Anyway,they said that I've never been there before.Ok whatever.
The clerk talked and talked..
Clerk: You got to Literature or not?
ME: Yea,I do malay lit.
Clerk: You got do the book 'killing a mocking bird' or not?My daughter doing it ah.
ME: (I told you im doing malay lit,Anak Laut. -_____-) - in my mind-
Clerk: Which school are you from?
ME: Bukit Panjang Govt, High.-i bet she doesnt know BP-
Clerk: Waahh.Good school.Good school.
Me: -no comments-
im on MC.Hell yeah!No more 'never late or absent from school award like last year'
Just now i suddenly woke up at 3 and i went like,I must do my homework.And i realised that i had MC.Like wth?
Mum called me to check on me like twice already
Obviously there's no one online now.Currently I'm downloading some acoustics from Limewire.