Saturday, June 27, 2009
My group got into the next round of translation competition. -.-
Semi- finals,so it will be today @ 11am.
So most prolly.there will be homework session after that. Last year I finished my homework at Sunday, 4.07pm. So what about this year?
I still have biology, Vocab book (can't find the friggin' book.AHHH), history (bloody SBQs) and Maths (lots of test papers), News in Class? I CANT LOG IN (:
But somehow,I think i can finish it.Idk why.
Doing things last minute is my thang.But at least,it get done.
*Shit,I think i forgot how to wear my uniform.
Friday, June 26, 2009
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
Mitch Albom; The Five People You Meet in Heaven
6am? yes
Just completed my SS and Malay online tasks.
I feel like a looser now.
( I think my parent are gonna wake up soon cas they needa go to work.DUH~)
Monday, June 22, 2009
ahh watever.
two freaking dude came just now and fixed the new internet connection.
but they only fixed it on the laptop and not the desktop.(so im currently using the laptop)
and now,my dear desktop doesnt have any internet connection. how sucky is that?
Tried connecting and everything but nth works.
And i hate this laptop cas all my bookmarked pages aint here on Google Chrome.
Now,i cant go on Limewire,youtube,xanga,eatsleepdraw,facebook.
Maybe this will keep me away from the comp.I'll be continuing my homework tonight.
at least i'll try.
Okay so just now,I had bangsawan prac. It was nothing much today cas we were short of casts and everything.So some of us ended up taking pics and eating roller coaster while waiting to be callled by the director/stage managers.
And then went home.Otw,to the bus stop,heard someone calling my name.And it was Amalina.She ran towards me and hugged me.So drama-mama.And soon po hian and eileen ran from behind.I havent been to training for a while.So ya...
At lot 1, someone called my name again.And it was hui Yan with her bread in her hand and her mouth full with food.
So cute.Jolie and Wei shi was there too.
Hugs and everthing.I missed them and after what i heard happened during training,its like i knew it would be like this.
read this for all i care.i'm not speaking for myself,im speaking for the 8 of us.
Ruined my
Saw zu and she cursed and then she hugged us.Family reunion -.-
Went home with zu,it has been a really long time man.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Got a message from Ms Aza.Which was very,very random.
I started dancing and shouting.
And my sister joined me.
Wani: I don't know what all this is about.But I'm happy too.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

And those were the days where I had to kiss allisa's ass during this formation.
Mum,Dad and Sis coming home today! GAHHHHH 8D
I finished 3.
I've been going to school like:
week 1: 5 days
week 2: 4 days (including NUS camp)
week 3: 4 days
Its crazy.
With opera and art and trainings.Clashes somemore,.'s difficult.
Friday, June 19, 2009

Photoshoot tomorrow. Need to get my hair done.
Someone call my personal hairstylist please.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wohoooooo.Look at those.
Okay now,I'll be in Sg alone.My parents and sister is going to Padang,Indonesia.For a 5 day holiday.
You might say freedom.But if you were in my shoes,you wouldn't.
Maybe while they're away,I'll be able to appreciate others more,hopefully.
May you guys have a save flight to and back from Sumatra.
I'll be here.
You need to trust me,please for once.I can take care of myself.
PS: The show is gonna be real soon.Premiere too.Let everything be okay.
Okay now,I'll be in Sg alone.My parents and sister is going to Padang,Indonesia.For a 5 day holiday.
You might say freedom.But if you were in my shoes,you wouldn't.
Maybe while they're away,I'll be able to appreciate others more,hopefully.
May you guys have a save flight to and back from Sumatra.
I'll be here.
You need to trust me,please for once.I can take care of myself.
PS: The show is gonna be real soon.Premiere too.Let everything be okay.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hey bitch.
I was on tv on yesterday's malay news,And me and allisa were talking and sitin' on the sofa.
Unglam moment. Ahh,nobody cares.
Camp was okay,nothing much.Adam Khoo was hell much more fun.But for the fact that u click with loys of people from different schools..Its cool.'s life?
(I bet you are thinking hard.)
Seeyuh when i seeyuh.
I havent complete my online homework and memorise my Malay opera lines.CRAP.
Do you like frying eggs? Say ' YEAHHHH' with me if you dont.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday was some art competition.I thought it was kinda pathetic at first but well wasnt that bad. 1 hour is up.
Get to you guys back.Soon.
/EDIT (continue)
So first i met with khalid and aminah at Macs.Bought a happy meal.Cas i think its the only thing that has a resonable price. Chose the ugly green toy,and gave khalid.
Ate and when Mr Sazali called we met him at the taxi stand and he drove us to CJC.
We sat at some random bench and waited.And then registered.I was really shocked when i only saw JCs.Like Anderson,Hwa Chong and what nots.
I was quite relieved that there were only 4 sec schools.So there are 3 prizes,4 school. Fingers crossed,hope we will be one of them.
Briefing and then we started.We were laughing and cracking jokes.We werent serious at all.
Drew the owl and stuff.while khalid and aminah did the wau.
When we only had 45 minutes left everyone panicked.It was CRAZZZZYYYY.
End of competition they bropught us down for lunch.The food wasnt nice.No one finished their food.We were critisizing the food stall names while eating.And we were laughing like shit.
Khalid: Fish are seafood right?
Points to a stall name - FISH AND SEAFOOD NOODLE
Then there are 3 drink stalls.
So, healthy doesnt mean that its fresh right?
You can give the customer a stalk of celery and say that its 1 week old.
Its healthy but not fresh.
Same applies for the FRSH FRUIT JUICES
Maybe you find it lame but logical. Its okay.
And for the fact that Khalid was laughing real loudly that some schools stared at us was embarrassing (:
We did the freaking silat quiz.No one payed attention.We were critisizing about the slide show somemore.
And quiz time! We just followed our instincts and the question with the names we chose the wierdest but best name...ASMAH BEE.
Sounds cool? We got it right.
Announcer: When we call your schoool name,please send a representative on stage to collect your prize.
Carlie: No need ah.Sure never get one.
Announcer: 2nd place,BUKIT PANJANG GOVT HIGH SCH.
We stared at each other and laughed and the push khalid to receive the prize.
Mr Sazali was wondering how we could win cas were were playing a fool all the time.
$15 popular voucher.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
"Everything's the same now, except that now, we're indoors."
The line above tells everything about today.Well, not the whole day but at least half the day.
After training, i met with Aminah and Khalid to discuss about the design for the kite design competition.
Kite comp tmr.
Wake up at 5.30am.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Okay.Today was effing tiring.Training till 9.45am then bangsawan until around 12.40.Art at 1.
Life is good isnt it?
CJC kite design comp on sat.
NUS Camp next week.
80% of my holidays is gone.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tonight I'm like a paper doll
Maybe it makes sense now. Maybe somewhere in all of this there's a reason.
Maybe somewhere in all of this there's a why. Maybe somewhere there's that
thing that lets you tie it all up with a neat bow and bury it in the backyard.
But nothing, not getting angry, not prayers, and not tears,
can make something that happened unhappen.
It was always easy to point the finger,
to let someone else take the blame.
When you make a living out of making excuses,
it's hard to face yourself again.
Happy endings lie. Waste away your life.
What are morals when you're famed?
This is so cool.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Breathing helps.
Hey suckers,
welcome.Just now was bimbotic pink.But now..
I think its its much more pleasant to the eyes.At least I hope so.
Results are like the same old bullshit thang.
I shall not rant.Studying last minute is my thang.I'll try to change.
Oh drop this,this so not the hot topic right now.
BPian idol
The winner was unexpected.I know the girl should win. Some said that he won because he was sympathized but still, idk.
That Jasmine girl sang and i think my undies tore.It was so....
Aha.Everything's different cas we're inside.Still, I dont think Im ready.
Nvm,I shant talk about this, too private.All I can say is, "Its a matter of time"
Okay i think I'm off. Bangsawan later!
* if youre bored play the game at the side.Hope that I made your day!
To all Mr Senan's HMT students , 3L1/3M2
You are required to log on to litespeed and complete 3 reflections (mampos!) and print it out.Hand it in on the 1st day of the next term.
-This is school effort by Nursyazana Bte Jamil (14) 3M2