Saturday, July 25, 2009
Probably the last?
That was the last time i'd ever, we'd ever, do that again. The last word, the last song, the last nervous backstage glance, i'd never wear that costume again, you'd never wear that shirt again, i'd never have my hair pinned with feathers again, you'd never have fake sideburns again. That was my last time (prolly) on stage with you guys, and what a road it's been. That was all of our last times with all of you on stage. Now that it's all over, no worry about how fast we're speaking or how loud we actually are, not just me, but all of us.None of that anymore.
No more rehearsals with you in that freezing little room doing the same old lines over and over again until i'd be able to tattoo the entire script onto thousands of people with my eyes closed.
All the hype's over.
Our pain, our misery, your eye bags, our purposes, our motives, we won't have to see each other anymore and focus to discuss over the seriousness of everything and how we must be prepared and how we must get everything right on the day itself. No more of any of that.
So, i guess, we'll see you 'round?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Shouldn't have..
Talking about Art, we didnt get the stuffs today cas of the H1N1. Initially, they wanted to bring us to the museum. But since the H1N1 cases are rising, they wanted to be safe. :'(
I was excited about this trip since like, tuesday.
Still life again, but this time we didnt use burnt amber but we used red and blue..
Felt like dying. Only 6 people attend the lesson. Others were sick or quarantined. L1 got home early at around 11.45am.
When they passed by our class, M2 *sniffed* and *cough*.
And we ended up bursting into peals of laughter.
Cheering comp is gonna be held on Monday. Yes, monday.this monday. dont give me the 0.0 face.
Practise tmr, im not sure i can make it or not..
Cas there's a seminar @ some mosque from 8-1pm.
Till here. For those who are sick, get well soon. :3
Thursday, July 16, 2009
O' Art students are getting art materials for next year's exam tomorrow @ bras basah. but we're going to the Art Museum before that.
We have to bring $50.
For; brushes, water colour, charcoal, pallete. Idk what else.
Sheesh, i havent search for a pic for the canvas painting..
Long live Art students (?)
So.. animal farm.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The show went well. Thank god.
I didn't forget my script and my mind was clear one stage.
Think. Breathe.Give --Scriptwriter
We were punching each others fist before and after the show.
I guess our prayers were being answered.
Make up was ____.
But its okay. Its not always you get this kinda makeup ya'know.
Ya, and the chicken was stuck in my head, and its dead.
In school, people were giving me stares and glances.
It takes courage to put up a show like that ya'know. Luckily, there wasnt any light flashing on the audience. So, i couldnt see anyone. Except for those wearing white shirts.
When i pointed at one part, I just pointed straight.
No bad huh.
Still working on my argumentative essay and karangan.
Dont stare at this picture for too long. You might get an eyesore.
If any side effect develops, wash eyes with coke or hot tea. If condition gets worse, please see a doctor.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

and yay, you survived, staring at my pic.
Seeyuh when i seeyuh.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Once and for all.
PS: I tried to straighten my hair-using the straightener. But, after so long, its still curly as ever.
Firstly, my make up was very extreme yesterday.
some were saying i wasnt meant for malay play but for the opera.
And I scared some people in the dark. They said i looked like some Japanese. geisha, you mean?aahaha
We started the dry run @ five.With mics and everything.
Home @ 9pm.
OMG, we won the translation competition. First prize, $400.
$100 each.
Allisa, Ama, lets go shopping.
And another trip with the pussies.Dont get me wrong.
Now im awake. Just check out the play today.
3pm, Republic Poly.
When u guys come at 3, we people come @ 9.
8 hours till showtime!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Orange bra.
Disturbed by the post title? Say yes.
I think people should stop paying tributes to MJ already. You never know he is screaming for people to stop singing and what not and that he wants peace.
Oral was okay. Stammered but nevermind, i knew what i was talking about, at least. And during the convo, the examiners were laughing at my story. They seemed interested. LOL?
I shall not elaborate much about the story.
I think the oral topic was much more harder than yesterday.
One of the question was..
Apakah kaitan menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan jiran dan kemakmuran negara?
I'm done here. OMG, tomorrow's gonna be tiring.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday night fever!
Sunday evening : 38.4
Sunday night : 37.8
Monday morning : 38.2
Monday afternoon : 37.6
Monday evening : 35.5 (wtf?) / 37.0
Monday night : 37.6
FYI, these are temperatures people.
Will I be able to go to school tmr? Idk.
Currently googling for H1N1 symptoms:
-symptoms of regular human flu
-sore throat
-body aches
worst to worst, i'll just fake that im okay tmr. (:
Current temperature: 37.3
Seeyuh when i seeyuh, bitches/bastards.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It was obvious.
Sorry for the stupid posts.
Aha! Yesterday 15++ of us went for ALLISA"S bday party/gathering.
I got a her a toothbrush(for her teeth) and another thing.
We were supposed to meet at 3.30pm but in the end everyone disappeared cas they went to get last minute presents. The colour code was black and white..I cant believe everyone actually wore black and white, almost everyone except for Su, cas i didnt tell her.
Talking about yesterday. I forgot my socks when i went to my religious class. Socks are like name tags.Dont have them? DIE. The teacher will ask u to wear red plastics bags.My friend wore it before. There wasnt assembly due to the swine flu. And we had to get outr temperatures taken. And they use that old fashioned in-ear thermometer. When actually they have the scan-your-forehead one.
Its was quite troublesome cas u're wearing scarf and stuffs.
My class was suppose to end @ 2.30 but i left at 2.10 cas if not om gonna be late for the party. So I (almost ran) home and changed and grabbed the present and off i go. The thing is, I FORGOT MY CAMERA!! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--
Party: Eat. Watched ricky martin and America's got talent.
And i guess that's all.
Seeyuh when i seeyuh.
Friday, July 3, 2009
And stop acting like you care