Monday, August 31, 2009
Yellow post-its
I was thinking about what i did in the past,so these are some random facts about me in the past. Some of you might know, but most dont.
1) I took care of this mentally ill junior when i was primary 5.And in primary 6, she wasnt in the school anymore. Somehow, i was the only one who can talk to her but sometimes she starts hitting me.
2) I was a Junior Sports leader in primary school. Organised school carnivals and stuffs. I have a cert to proof it and not forgetting the badge.
3) I qualified into the Nationals Shot Put Championship (Pri Sch) in Pri. 5.
4) I am an APPLE TREE alumni. (its a playgroup btw)
5) I was been taken care of approx. 7 maids, since i was born till P5
Which is the most surprising one?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Acrylic paint.
Yes finally I am posting.
I'll start from monday..(you dont always hear me saying this)
We had the bazaar meeting after school, and it dragged till 3/4 pm.
So our plan was cancelled.GAAAH
M2 is planning to do 'Dont forget the lyrics' during the bazaar.
at first the guys planned to book the computer lab for the whole day and we can charge $4/hour.Profitable right? Maybe for the anti-socials (:
And while that Mr Conty was talking he scratched his -uhum- like randomly.
I thought i was the only one who saw it, cas he was standing right beside me and his -uhum- was like really near my eyes. GOSH, DISTURBING.
After he did it, i looked at the class and everyone seems to be lost in his words that they didnt even see it.
But after that Hanyan started talking about it. SO, i wasnt the only one after all.
After school ended up in the library reading Paolo Coelho's novels.
I can't remember anything.But how can i remember moday and forget tuesday?
But i remember i saw a slimy dead snail.I think i stepped in it, but i dont know.
And i dont think so.
WEDNESDAY, has been long cas I'm always involved in other stuffs all teh time. Or rather, most of the time.
Best part is, it was PHYSICAL TRAINING.ah, yes.
We ran for 30 mins, but coach says if the malays are tired we can stop anytime.
Ran a few rounds and acted like we were tired, when actually we have been brisk walking and skipping all the while, singing Hari Raya songs.actually, i was the only one.
So we stopped, and Jun Hao went like,
"Sazana, long time no see."yes, he pronounces my name like that.
I couldnt think of anything and i just went " Yessss" But i felt rather stupid after that.
Second part of PT was, walking up the staircase..the whole team was singing cas i started singing. Sand, MJ,Katy Perry,Flo rida, Green Day,Lady gaga and ended up singing nursery rhymes. We were imagining if lady gaga sang " one little two little three little indians"
With cherry2 boom2.SWEEEET :3
Watched "Where got Ghost"
Luckily there were eng subtitles.
(the part where the spirit of the dead mother haunt her son.)
Laugh @ wierd parts.
Watch it if you need some laugh.
O Level Art. 20 visual diaries, but then he didnt collect. Anw, i did 14 only.ahahaha.
Class was quite fun, drew a flower in a vase. Mr tan says it will approx take 2 weeks.
And for this lesson everyone had to use an EASEL,so its quite different.
Art class is gossiping class, where they talk about people.
Although they are always speaking in chinese, i understand somehow.
Went home, and my parents had the WE-ARE-GOING-TO-GEYLANG face.
I told my dad that i'll go but i took a 10min nap after breakfast first but i was too tired and slept till 11.30pm.
When i woke up i was like
My sister was looking at me peeping for her hello kitty covers and gave the THEY-WENT-LIKE-A-GAZILLION-YEARS-AGO-ALREADY,-WHAT'S-WRONG-WITH-YOU?
Okay im done.Saturday was nothing much.
dammit, it raining.Anw,seeyuh when i seeyuh. *POOF*
Saturday, August 15, 2009
"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that there would be no gossip without secrets. You might be brave enough to reveal your secret, only to have it used against you. Or someone else's secret might effect you in unexpected ways. There are some secrets that you're only too happy to keep. Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before. But the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal, that once spoken, change everything."
| Gossip Girl |
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Chicken rice without chicken
2 days MC.
If you didnt realise i wasnt in school yesterday and today.
Yesterday, i was on fb and some BPians were periods huh?
Still, needa catch up on my work, homework and BIOLOGY!
I'm killing time here, while waiting for my sister to get home frm school, so that we can eat lunch together..
She will be getting her injection today, i shall punch her arms later :)
YAY, im going to school tmr, and whatmore, there's PE!
rugby,frisbee and wierd ball( we call it 'kacang'/peanut ball)
okay, she's home!
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.irritating much?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pink Nightdress
happy buttday Sg.enough said.
So, we had some kinda feast before the fasting month at my cousin's place to pray for those he has passed away.
So, i spent half of my day there.
Felt sick,in the taxi.
Why do i always fall sick on holidays? the other time was during youth day and now, national day. Got some panadol, and it worked, well at least for a few hours.
NDP was great but it was a 'lil short.
What else? aha! Sg Idol..
Some were really great and some really sucked. Still, i dont see anyone with the potentials to be the next Sg idol.
My weekend isn't really productive, that's all i can say.
Fasting month is drawing near, and some of my team mates are planning to go for beach volleyball. NOOOOO! At least do it after hari raya :(
"Here's to the kids. The kids whose 11:11 wish was wasted on one person who will never be there for them. Here's to the kids whose idea of a good night is sitting on the hood of a car, watching the stars. Here's to the kids who never were too good at life, but still were wicked cool. Here's to the kids who care more about the music than the haircuts. Here's to the kids who have crushes on a stupid lush. Here's to the kids who hum "A Little Less 16 Candles A Little More Touch Me" when they're stuck home, dateless, on a Saturday night. Here's to the kids who have ever had a broken heart... from someone who didn't even know they existed. Here's to the kids who spend their days in photo booths with their best friends. Here's to the kids who are straight up smartasses & just don't care. Here's to the kids who speak their mind. Here's to the kids who second-guess themselves on everything they do. Here's to the kids who will never have 100 percent confidence in anything they do, and to the kids who are okay with that."- Pete Wentz
Now say that you are okaaay..
Friday, August 7, 2009
Regardless of race,language or religion

"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more that you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt."
Quite true.
National Day parade was better than last year. At least its not in the field.
And cheering comp. finals were CRAZZZYYY.
Some classes were really good. Reminds me of last year finals.When 205 was in it and the screwing up of course.
Sang like nobody's business.Dance? we stood up at the chorus of the songs and danced.
btw, the musicvid is all booty-shaking, juggling ___.
So,after NDP,we had meeting and mini celebration..
I know it was kinda pathetic, but I hope you two appreciated it.
And, i guess happy birthday singapore?
-waves flag and sings 'my people, my home' and recite recollection.-
Not forgetting the pledge.:3
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I just downloaded the whole new Marie Digby and Daughtry album.
it will help me during my revision,heh.
bye i gotta listen to them.
i need a ipod wih loads of gigabites.
blogger sucks.bummer.
to everyone who trained hard for tmr's parade, all the best yo.