Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Be happy for these moments because these moments, are your life.

I'm too _________, to post. Nothing to expect here, today
Cant wait for this to end
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Well, we went to orchard. Ate BBQ Chicken. Watched movie (FAME). 3 stars.
There was this one part where Allisa went like " EH,EH DEK NI." Then the person sang, and we burst into peals opf laughter, I dont know what that was for, but we laughed relly hard till some woman in front of us, turned behind. And yes, you guessed it, WE LAUGHED HARDER.
Some other stupid things happened, but I shall keep it to myself.
Somehow the photoshoot was kinda awesome. We had to wait for approx. 1hr++ just chatting and what nots. GO,PURPLE! -.-
Seems like we were posing for some magazine, aha k thats too far. Well then, I went for brunch with Ama, Azim and Razi. Random people, well not really.
Met up with my sista for a library trip and then accompanied her for lunch. And....HOME.
Watched some movie, and then here. TADAAAAA.
What an awesome day. Say no.
I think I shall be drowning myself with novels.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ahah. Like finally I can go online.
But i gotta time limit to be here.
Worst thing is, i found a website to watch free-full-length 500DAYSOFSUMMER
Yes, I, Syazana have the link. Scream "YEAHHHH".
Best thing is, its quite clear. Ok I shall stop.
But I cant watch now, cos my dad is going to come in any minute into the room. Say, no way.
Oh and fyi, i just checked my LEAPS points. I got an A1 (27) already, like most of the cohort.
Wanted to watch some movies but then..too bad.
Shall post better stuffs soon.
And you kow it :Seeyuh when i seeyuh (;
(hitler too, i mean the even no. girls in 3m2)
(hitler too, i mean the even no. girls in 3m2)