Wednesday, November 25, 2009
You get to know someone better just by the things they laugh at.Yes,yes,yes that's me on some random ride during my trip to Gold Coast, Australia when i was 6.
And beside me is , my dad..Mr Jamil.
The pic quality sucks big time cas of my 2 megapixels handphone camera. They didnt have the cool nixon or canon cams that day and this pic was taken where films were like the in-thing.
I look pretty much the same since i was born only that i increase in length and of course width, gahahaha. I still look the same now, in case you forget how i look like or something. And did i tell you that my hairstyle havent change since my dad combed my hair since after my hair is being cut cas i was too stubborn too tie my thick curly long hair. if you didnt realise my parting havent change..okay enough abt the hair part.
I'll move on.
And i'm wearing some random red pullover and pikachu scarf.yes wtf.
Okay enough of this.
There will be a gamelan perf comin up. 5 dec. First gamelan performance for us.
And hell yea, that all i gotta say.
I think im done here..
Gotta start the ball rolling..
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
You get to know someone better just by the things they laugh at.Yes,yes,yes that's me on some random ride during my trip to Gold Coast, Australia when i was 6.
And beside me is , my dad..Mr Jamil.
The pic quality sucks big time cas of my 2 megapixels handphone camera. They didnt have the cool nixon or canon cams that day and this pic was taken where films were like the in-thing.
I look pretty much the same since i was born only that i increase in length and of course width, gahahaha. I still look the same now, in case you forget how i look like or something. And did i tell you that my hairstyle havent change since my dad combed my hair since after my hair is being cut cas i was too stubborn too tie my thick curly long hair. if you didnt realise my parting havent change..okay enough abt the hair part.
I'll move on.
And i'm wearing some random red pullover and pikachu scarf.yes wtf.
Okay enough of this.
There will be a gamelan perf comin up. 5 dec. First gamelan performance for us.
And hell yea, that all i gotta say.
I think im done here..
Gotta start the ball rolling..