Monday, March 31, 2008
Like HELLO women!
Like you all know i went to Sentosa,you know the beach with sand and seas where u can find shells..and what not.Okay if not you can go to the singapore tourism board website and search for Sentosa.Enough of all these..
Okay i shall post some pics..
MAinly all i did was:
1) Went to the beach and cam whored with my retarded cousin and of course my sister..
2) Went to see pink dolphins which were shipped to Singapore.and like ZU and ALLISA said,i pounced on them and too bad they died
3) Went to the underwater world thingy..first time in my whole 13 years on
4) I practically touched a REAL sting ray and it said it liked me...and even purposed to me.
5) I touched a REAL starfish.The last time I touched it/see it is when i was like K2.
-End of story-
Welcome to Sentosa.
Show your ass-es people!!YUP baby,like that.

that reads S-Y-A-Z

I see the sky and some statue there.

OMG.Whats that creature?
Hug MISS INDIA people.

DAMN!she's bangin'

that reads S-Y-A-Z

I see the sky and some statue there.

OMG.Whats that creature?

DAMN!she's bangin'