Saturday, April 18, 2009

That's what happens when you press 'Photobooth' on the Mac when you're bored during O'Art.
And i didn't go for O'art yesterday since my orals ended late.Bullshit.Didn't know we could take the orals earlier.F.
I got Cikgu Marlina and i think we had a 15 minutes convo. 3 people after me finished their orals and I was still talking to Cikgu.I think she forgot that it was an oral.
Cikgu: How do you think the school can help improve students malay lang.?
Me: We can subscribe to magazines or reading materials like for English we have Readers' Digest.
Cikgu: What kindda magazined do you wanna subscribe.
Me: (Shit,what am i suppose to say?Manja?) Maybe Dewan Bahasa.
Cikgu: So you read Dewan Bahasa?
Me: Not really.Our comprehension passages are usually picked from Dewan Bahasa.So yea...
Wtfish was I thinking?
Pissed.Went home with Zu and Atiqah.-Zonked out-