Monday, June 1, 2009
Breathing helps.
Hey suckers,
welcome.Just now was bimbotic pink.But now..
I think its its much more pleasant to the eyes.At least I hope so.
Results are like the same old bullshit thang.
I shall not rant.Studying last minute is my thang.I'll try to change.
Oh drop this,this so not the hot topic right now.
BPian idol
The winner was unexpected.I know the girl should win. Some said that he won because he was sympathized but still, idk.
That Jasmine girl sang and i think my undies tore.It was so....
Aha.Everything's different cas we're inside.Still, I dont think Im ready.
Nvm,I shant talk about this, too private.All I can say is, "Its a matter of time"
Okay i think I'm off. Bangsawan later!
* if youre bored play the game at the side.Hope that I made your day!
To all Mr Senan's HMT students , 3L1/3M2
You are required to log on to litespeed and complete 3 reflections (mampos!) and print it out.Hand it in on the 1st day of the next term.
-This is school effort by Nursyazana Bte Jamil (14) 3M2